Brass Tack Thinking - 20 TruthsInspired by my friend CC Chapman, I got caught up in tossing down a random collection of thoughts, assertions, and truths I’ve currently got in my head. So instead of keeping them to myself, I figured I’d post them here, just for fun. I’d love it if you’d share yours, and if you post, let me know and I’ll update the post here with links to yours.

1. Writing is an evolution, not a destination.

2. It’s totally okay to change your mind. Several times.

3. Kid time you don’t get back.

4. Parents need their kids, too.

5. The world will not stop if you get off Twitter for a day or two. If you’ve built relationships that matter, however, you’ll miss being there because you miss the people. Simple as that, and the naysayers can go poke.

6. When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry wall.

7. You can find inspiration and motivation in curious places if you’re willing to look for it, and accept it when you find it.

8. Let go of the truly toxic and negative people in your world, whether they be close in your personal lives or just some jackhole on Twitter. Life is way too short to let other people take your energy from you.

9. Change can be terrifying, overwhelming, and even sad. And yet, it’s the thing that carries us to whatever amazing thing is next. And there is always a next, amazing thing.

10. As much as I talk about how different is good, I’m really uncomfortable when I think that *I’m* the one that’s different, as though it’s a bad thing. But I’m learning.

11. My friends Tamsen McMahon, Tom Webster, DJ Waldow, Lauren Vargas, CC Chapman, Melissa Delgaudio and Matt Ridings emphasized for me, in a very short time, how very special it is to find people that you connect with, can laugh with, and who love you no matter the level of crazy.

12. The appearance of confidence and conviction is not always rooted in same. Often, it can be quite the opposite.

13. Science is still cool. Really cool.

14. An overflowing inbox, not sleeping, and forgetting to eat are not badges of honor. They are signs that you really need to do something differently.

15. Having an idea is easy. Having the courage to defend, pursue, develop, change, and realize that idea is where you prove whether you’re for real.

16. I’m proud to call myself a published author, and I worked my butt off to get there. Whether there are a zillion books in social media or not, mine is one of them. And that makes me excited.

17. List posts can be silly, or they can inspire you to write ones of your own and learn something fascinating about other people. Levity can be a fine strategy.

18. You’ve probably inspired someone lately that you didn’t realize was paying attention.

19. No one dies in this business. I’ll never apologize for being passionate and driven about my work, but nor will I apologize for taking time out at an event to have a dinner with squirrels or an evening finger painting with the very small light of my life. The people are the purpose, in all of this.

20. Almost anything can be solved with a hot bath, a good book, and a glass of really good wine. Almost.

Would you share your truths with me? I’d love to know what’s making you tick these days, what’s on your mind, what things you’re contemplating. Post them and share them in the comments, or whatever moves you. But take a moment and take stock. It’s pretty fun, and you might just realize a thing or two about your own state of mind.

Can’t wait to hear yours.