Altitude Branding - Framing is EverythingWhen you were in school, did you ever struggle to grasp a concept, idea, or even a math problem until the right person or teacher put it just the right way?

I was always good at math until I hit trigonometry. I struggled and struggled in that class until a math whiz friend of mine sat down with me and explained trigonometry for what it was: the math behind triangles. He broke down concepts like the unit circle into very simple terms that I instantly understood. Something clicked, and my grades skyrocketed.

There is a distinct difference between repetition and reframing.

We need both, usually, but reframing puts things in a different context, or looks at them from a different angle.

The concepts we’re encountering in an age of new communication may start to feel repetitive. I know there are plenty of us out there railing against hearing the same old things, over and over again, and finding nothing new.

But we haven’t yet remotely captured and executed on the potential of much of what we’re talking about. Part of that is too much of a focus on the surface of these tools, of their function and operation rather than their intent.  But part of it is that we’re looking for a universal constant, instead of applying the discipline of thought that helps these things make sense in our own frameworks rather than others’.

I don’t think it’s new we need. We have the foundations upon which to build. I think we need reframed ideas, a continued resolve to keep turning these ideas over and over again in our heads and in our words, presenting them differently,  breaking them down and rebuilding them, and reconsidering them in the context of our lives and businesses.

So instead of being frustrated that you’ve heard nothing new lately, I challenge you to do something difficult. Take the simplest, most straightforward and oft repeated concepts you know – say, “social media is about relationships” – and start figuring out what they really mean for you.

Reframe them. Contribute iterative thoughts. We all need people around us that can turn ideas around, present them in a fresh way, and help us find the way of looking at something familiar that finally goes click.

image credit: globevisions