Disclaimer: I’m annoyed. This post is probably crabby. Not my usual fare. Skip it if you like.
If you’re still here, can we, pretty please, talk to the people around us and do something to prevent these tragic conversations? Consider this a public service announcement or a rant, however you choose. But enough is enough.
1. Getting More Followers and Fans
Unless you can tell me what the hell they’re going to do for you, how you’re going to mobilize them, and what you’re going to give back to them that makes it worth their while to grant you their attention and continue to give it, who cares? People aren’t marbles, and you don’t get any points for collecting a bunch of staring eyeballs that are waiting for you to do something significant. Attention only matters if can move people beyond noticing, and into investing their time and energy.
2. Misdefined ROI
Google it. If you know what ROI really is, you’ll eventually figure how to do the work and connect the dots between your social media endeavors and your finances, your brand, or a combination of the two. You’ll find other metrics, too, that point toward success or lack of it.
If you don’t, quit bastardizing the term ROI and using cryptic, fluffy interpretations of it in order to avoid admitting that you don’t understand it, or to dodge the whole measurement and accountability issue altogether. If you’re using vague ROI arguments to stand in for what’s really a lack of a business case, you have work to do on explaining why you care about social media in the first place.
3. Entitlement to Free Stuff
The people on the web with knowledge, expertise, and information owe you none of it. Some will put it out there for free because they believe there’s value in contributing to the whole. But they don’t owe you a thing, and they can take it away or change the game anytime they want.
Whether they’ll be successful or not is for their potential customers to decide. But you are not entitled to a bit of it. Pay or don’t pay for what’s valuable to you personally, but quit with the naive notion that social media and money don’t or can’t go together, and that content creators are morally or ethically corrupt because they’re asking for compensation in return for making their knowledge and experience available.
4. Joining the Conversation
This was probably a great phrase at the emergence of all of this, but it’s become so diluted that it means little anymore. Join which conversation? For what purpose? With whom? And what then? Let’s start talking about the INTENT behind the conversation in the first place, and the underlying value of being present and engaged with the right people who give a rip what you have to say, not just anyone with a frontal lobe and an internet connection.
5. What’s The Next Whatever
We have all of the “new” we could possibly want, but we’re distinctly lacking in execution with what we have. Clamoring for the next big thing is looking for permission to be messy. It’s easier to latch on to something new and unproven, because then you’re not accountable. Instead, man (or woman) up, and get busy wrangling the things you already have at your disposal to do something worthwhile.
6. Content is King.
Like hell. Creating content is not what wins you the prize. It’s not enough to write something, or populate a blog, or create a video. Content is worth precisely ZERO until it’s being found, consumed, and then used to do something. It needs to drive people to action – sharing, buying, building, interacting.
And guess what, stargazers? If your content isn’t propelling people to act on something that eventually delivers something of value back to your business (provided you’re talking content marketing and not outright contribution for charitable purpose), it’s a time sink. That makes it decidedly less than king.
7. The Quest for Universal Constants
How many people do I need to manage social media? How many hours a day? How much budget? What should I put on my Facebook page? Do we need a LinkedIn Group? Where’s the case study?
Stop. There’s more than enough information out there to guide you toward the big picture constants. The rest you’re going to have to find out for yourself by actually doing something, and putting it all in context of your own situation. This is no different than anything else, ever. You still have to build your own sales strategy, HR plan, CRM approach irrespective of what’s been done before, no matter how long those concepts have been around. If you’re spending all your time building your cloned safety net based on other people’s situations, you’re already behind the game, and not focused on what your business needs.
8. Social Media Experts and Proverbial Snake Oil
Who cares? If you’re a business, do your due diligence the way you would with any other adviser you hire. Do some research. Ask hard questions about results, accountability, and strategies that can survive a shift in technology. Read the countless blog posts out there – like this awesome one by Jason Falls – about how to find a professional that knows what they’re doing.
If you’re a fellow contender in the space that’s crabby because other people are stealing your thunder or making a mockery of the profession you hold so dear, suck it up. Go work hard. Prove your substance through what you do. Let the idiots hang themselves on the empty, shoddy frameworks of “strategy” that they’re peddling to those that are so desperate for a social media success story that they’ll buy anything. Sympathy time is over for the gullible, and it’s time for you over there to run your own damn race.
9. Social Media Is Hype, Stale, Old, Whatever.
If you think it has potential but you think we could be doing more, put your money where your mouth is. Don’t just brag about unfollowing someone who didn’t meet your standards as some self-righteous stunt. Offer something constructive of your own. Do it better. If it has practical uses but there are misconceptions, correct them through illustrating the alternatives, teaching, doing.
Think it’s lame altogether? Tired of hearing about it? Convinced it’s hype and bunk? That’s fine. Then close your Twitter account, get off Facebook, stop blogging, and go do something else. It’s all optional. We’ll be fine without you.
There. I said my piece on those for now. That feels better. What about you? I know this isn’t particularly useful as a how-to, but sometimes even the most of constructive of us need to stomp and holler before we can get back to business.
Back to work, now. I’ll be bringing you more positive solutions and ideas upcoming. Feel free to add yours the comments, too. We’re all in this together. Maybe we’ll even learn a thing or two.
special note to the lovely Meg Fowler: I promise I’ll write more about awesomeness very soon. There’s plenty of good to share, too.
Nice article. Number 10 could be “x number of social media x that need x”.
Nice article. Number 10 could be “x number of social media x that need x”.
Several good points. Keep it coming
Several good points. Keep it coming
If Content is King, then CONTEXT is Queen
Sorry V – have to disagree – easy-to-do is Queen – irrespective of context easy over hard will be key to success.
If Content is King, then CONTEXT is Queen
Sorry V – have to disagree – easy-to-do is Queen – irrespective of context easy over hard will be key to success.
Hells yeah. I’m glad we’ve evolved past “make me a twitters”, so there is hope that we can also move past the items on your list. Or not. Many cannot yet accept social media as something that requires as much strategy, management and creativity as, say an ad campaign, an SAP implementation or any other business initiative.
The Quest for Universal Constants is a major roadblock to progress, typically employed by the ones who are most resistant to change. Getting past this involves getting the client/prospect to serve up all the unique aspects of their company – whether its culture, a awesome product differentiator, intellectual property or the creative genius that lies within. Once we identify those things, it becomes easier to have a conversation about why a unique social strategy is key to their success.
Thanks for the crabby rant.
.-= Beth´s last blog ..Beyond the Counter and Call-Center: Customer Service on the Social Web =-.
Beth, i liked your thoughts here. Just because social media is free doesn’t mean it doesn’t require the same understanding, planning, and diligence as any other marketing, PR, or CRM campaign. Good stuff.
Great article as well. But everyone already knows that. 🙂
.-= Eric´s last blog ..Are you confusing marketing for parenting? =-.
Hells yeah. I’m glad we’ve evolved past “make me a twitters”, so there is hope that we can also move past the items on your list. Or not. Many cannot yet accept social media as something that requires as much strategy, management and creativity as, say an ad campaign, an SAP implementation or any other business initiative.
The Quest for Universal Constants is a major roadblock to progress, typically employed by the ones who are most resistant to change. Getting past this involves getting the client/prospect to serve up all the unique aspects of their company – whether its culture, a awesome product differentiator, intellectual property or the creative genius that lies within. Once we identify those things, it becomes easier to have a conversation about why a unique social strategy is key to their success.
Thanks for the crabby rant.
.-= Beth´s last blog ..Beyond the Counter and Call-Center: Customer Service on the Social Web =-.
Beth, i liked your thoughts here. Just because social media is free doesn’t mean it doesn’t require the same understanding, planning, and diligence as any other marketing, PR, or CRM campaign. Good stuff.
Great article as well. But everyone already knows that. 🙂
.-= Eric´s last blog ..Are you confusing marketing for parenting? =-.
You rock Amber. You hit every nail on the head.
You rock Amber. You hit every nail on the head.
“Think it’s lame altogether? Tired of hearing about it? Convinced it’s hype and bunk? That’s fine. Then close your Twitter account, get off Facebook, stop blogging, and go do something else. It’s all optional. We’ll be fine without you.”
I’ve started turning from social media preacher to social media supporter. I’m getting tired of arguing about it with people and rather support those who want to use it.
As always, you rule.
.-= Scott Stratten´s last blog ..What if I didn’t use Twitter? =-.
That’s right Scott,
I feel the same about my business.. as a motivational speaker and trainer, I run into people who think motivation is all bunk and I hear comments like “you need to be realistic”…
So like you, I look to support those who want to use it instead of those who would rather be realistically miserable and stuck…
Nice to see you here 🙂
This was a great article Amber!
So true – I am tired of trying to justify my view or talk people into a Social Media presence…the bottom line is there are so many people who WANT to know about it that I am BUSY!
One of the benefits of age is I don’t feel the need to impress everyone I meet…especially online! ;-p Some people just won’t respond to your style, look, personality…and that’s OK!
.-= Robyn Hawk´s last blog ..Spinel – A Misunderstood Jewel =-.
“Think it’s lame altogether? Tired of hearing about it? Convinced it’s hype and bunk? That’s fine. Then close your Twitter account, get off Facebook, stop blogging, and go do something else. It’s all optional. We’ll be fine without you.”
I’ve started turning from social media preacher to social media supporter. I’m getting tired of arguing about it with people and rather support those who want to use it.
As always, you rule.
.-= Scott Stratten´s last blog ..What if I didn’t use Twitter? =-.
That’s right Scott,
I feel the same about my business.. as a motivational speaker and trainer, I run into people who think motivation is all bunk and I hear comments like “you need to be realistic”…
So like you, I look to support those who want to use it instead of those who would rather be realistically miserable and stuck…
Nice to see you here 🙂
This was a great article Amber!
So true – I am tired of trying to justify my view or talk people into a Social Media presence…the bottom line is there are so many people who WANT to know about it that I am BUSY!
One of the benefits of age is I don’t feel the need to impress everyone I meet…especially online! ;-p Some people just won’t respond to your style, look, personality…and that’s OK!
.-= Robyn Hawk´s last blog ..Spinel – A Misunderstood Jewel =-.
Another fabulous bit of writing and great advice. All high end, but this is genius:
“People aren’t marbles, and you don’t get any points for collecting a bunch of staring eyeballs that are waiting for you to do something significant.”
Way to go Amber!
.-= John Glynn´s last blog ..Steve McQueen: Porsche Driver =-.
Another fabulous bit of writing and great advice. All high end, but this is genius:
“People aren’t marbles, and you don’t get any points for collecting a bunch of staring eyeballs that are waiting for you to do something significant.”
Way to go Amber!
.-= John Glynn´s last blog ..Steve McQueen: Porsche Driver =-.
I agree about your comments on content in general, but a little fun every now and then can’t hurt either. I really appreciate a well written or well produced blog or video, even if it’s just poking fun at someone or something. Yes, there’s way too much fluff and not enough substance, but still – every now and then I get a good belly laugh, and that helps me get back to business.
I agree about your comments on content in general, but a little fun every now and then can’t hurt either. I really appreciate a well written or well produced blog or video, even if it’s just poking fun at someone or something. Yes, there’s way too much fluff and not enough substance, but still – every now and then I get a good belly laugh, and that helps me get back to business.
Thanks Amber. You are the shining example of how to “keep it real” in Social Media. Even the most optimistic of us have “our days”.
Thanks Amber. You are the shining example of how to “keep it real” in Social Media. Even the most optimistic of us have “our days”.
Awesome post! The beauty of social media activity and experimentation is that it happens in public; people need to quit bellyaching and start doing. Show us how YOU align social media activity with business objectives, show us how YOU measure ROI. Get crackin’. We are watching!
.-= Maddie Grant´s last blog ..Evolving into a Social Organization: An Open Letter to the CEO =-.
Hi there
I love it! Some great thoughts and insights here, all from a very common sense perspective. Thanks for sharing
Awesome post! The beauty of social media activity and experimentation is that it happens in public; people need to quit bellyaching and start doing. Show us how YOU align social media activity with business objectives, show us how YOU measure ROI. Get crackin’. We are watching!
.-= Maddie Grant´s last blog ..Evolving into a Social Organization: An Open Letter to the CEO =-.
Hi there
I love it! Some great thoughts and insights here, all from a very common sense perspective. Thanks for sharing
LOL! Well put. I have about I need to send this to. Especially about regarding the comment about ROI. Keep ’em coming honey… you’re awesome!
.-= Alexis ceule´s last blog ..Best of the Jayhawk Keyboard Coaches & Fans Tweeting for #KUBBALL =-.
I completely agree 100% with all of the above. But this is also how one is able to differentiate between the people who are “in” it and those who pretend to be.
I especially love #3. Why is it so wrong for me to be paid for my knowledge and hard work? Why in the world do people feel entitled and believe I should give it away for free? When you go to college you pay to attain the knowledge the professors have to share, you don’t just walk in the door expecting to pay nothing for it.
LOL! Well put. I have about I need to send this to. Especially about regarding the comment about ROI. Keep ’em coming honey… you’re awesome!
.-= Alexis ceule´s last blog ..Best of the Jayhawk Keyboard Coaches & Fans Tweeting for #KUBBALL =-.
I completely agree 100% with all of the above. But this is also how one is able to differentiate between the people who are “in” it and those who pretend to be.
I especially love #3. Why is it so wrong for me to be paid for my knowledge and hard work? Why in the world do people feel entitled and believe I should give it away for free? When you go to college you pay to attain the knowledge the professors have to share, you don’t just walk in the door expecting to pay nothing for it.
I think we’re still a ways off before we stop hearing all the cliches, excuses, etc re: social media. I think posts like this one actually shed light on some of the current problems. “The cream always rises to the top” is what I keep in mind as I continue to learn and grow.
Who has time to worry about everyone else? There is too much to do.
I think we’re still a ways off before we stop hearing all the cliches, excuses, etc re: social media. I think posts like this one actually shed light on some of the current problems. “The cream always rises to the top” is what I keep in mind as I continue to learn and grow.
Who has time to worry about everyone else? There is too much to do.
I completely agree with you Amber! I’m not sure if it fully counts as a rant if it’s rooted in truth. As evidenced above, there are others out there with the same thoughts – you just beat us to the punch and said it first.
Awesome, per usual. 🙂
Thanks Amber! That made my morning!
.-= Catherine Ventura´s last blog ..CatherinVentura: RT @lwcavallucci: Happy Ada Lovelace Day to all of my science & technology girls out there! #ald =-.
I completely agree with you Amber! I’m not sure if it fully counts as a rant if it’s rooted in truth. As evidenced above, there are others out there with the same thoughts – you just beat us to the punch and said it first.
Awesome, per usual. 🙂
Thanks Amber! That made my morning!
.-= Catherine Ventura´s last blog ..CatherinVentura: RT @lwcavallucci: Happy Ada Lovelace Day to all of my science & technology girls out there! #ald =-.
I get the distinct impression from this rant that you think people should actually take the initiative to do something constructive. Something that accomplishes something meaningful. Shame on you! If that happened, there could be real business impact. And we wouldn’t want that, now, would we…?
I get the distinct impression from this rant that you think people should actually take the initiative to do something constructive. Something that accomplishes something meaningful. Shame on you! If that happened, there could be real business impact. And we wouldn’t want that, now, would we…?
Great article.
As an auto writer first, new media/branding guy second, I appreciate all points but #6 is huge.
It is a problem I’m attempting to deal with on a regional level in the auto niche as there are several very good quality sites in one of my competitive areas that are little more than virtual billboards. The publishers (traditional media types) don’t understand why they have no traffic yet they refuse to do anything about it. They have great content, but that isn’t enough.
.-= Gary Grant´s last blog ..Porsche Carrera RSR 1974 =-.
Great article.
As an auto writer first, new media/branding guy second, I appreciate all points but #6 is huge.
It is a problem I’m attempting to deal with on a regional level in the auto niche as there are several very good quality sites in one of my competitive areas that are little more than virtual billboards. The publishers (traditional media types) don’t understand why they have no traffic yet they refuse to do anything about it. They have great content, but that isn’t enough.
.-= Gary Grant´s last blog ..Porsche Carrera RSR 1974 =-.
You go, girl. Thanks for saying all this so eloquently! I especially liked the misguided quest for ROI section.
.-= Claire Celsi´s last blog ..Craig Olson of GeoLearning My Guest on PRP Wednesday March 17 =-.
You go, girl. Thanks for saying all this so eloquently! I especially liked the misguided quest for ROI section.
.-= Claire Celsi´s last blog ..Craig Olson of GeoLearning My Guest on PRP Wednesday March 17 =-.
These are great points, and in some ways, they often relate to each other. I know our small business had a tough time getting past 1 and 6–the notion that you need TONS of content to be seen by TONS of followers. While it might make sense that your content has a higher statistical chance of “mattering” to someone if there are more “someones” in the pot, the author is correct in noting that good content will bring the crowd (and thus be relevant), and in that case, those are the followers you want to have. Folks should stop talking “at” people and start talking with them–that’s content people care about, especially if it connects to their lives.
This is a great blog. Definitely adding it to my bookmarks (I found this via Twitter).
.-= Cooley´s last blog ..Spring Celebrations =-.
These are great points, and in some ways, they often relate to each other. I know our small business had a tough time getting past 1 and 6–the notion that you need TONS of content to be seen by TONS of followers. While it might make sense that your content has a higher statistical chance of “mattering” to someone if there are more “someones” in the pot, the author is correct in noting that good content will bring the crowd (and thus be relevant), and in that case, those are the followers you want to have. Folks should stop talking “at” people and start talking with them–that’s content people care about, especially if it connects to their lives.
This is a great blog. Definitely adding it to my bookmarks (I found this via Twitter).
.-= Cooley´s last blog ..Spring Celebrations =-.
You’ve really hit the nail on the head here. There is nothing more I hate than people feeling entitled to something and the entitlement to “free” is something that’s been bothering me for a long time. Pay or Don’t Pay and Don’t Benefit is something I truly believe in. Of course, if someone wants to offer up something for free, that’s their choice, but quit it with the complaining that not everything is free already! If something is of value, it should be valued, paid for, appreciated, and upheld.
As far as joining the conversation – I think this is something that, rather than needs to die, needs to evolve. While I understand the frustration of people writing and talking about the same thing over and over, I sincerely believe that “joining the conversation” needs to be reframed in order to encourage those who are not part of the conversation to become part of it. That being said, there are more effective ways of doing this than talking about it amongst other people who are already part of the conversation. i.e.: HOW do we bring in X on this conversation? WHERE should X have a presence online, in other media? The intent is much more important than the medium.
On “Content is King”… I absolutely agree. It’s only king if it’s being used, shared, tested, upheld, discussed, and challenged. Content is nothing without practical application.
Keep fighting the good fight 😉
.-= SaraKate´s last blog ..073. Aural Fixation: Imelda May =-.
You’ve really hit the nail on the head here. There is nothing more I hate than people feeling entitled to something and the entitlement to “free” is something that’s been bothering me for a long time. Pay or Don’t Pay and Don’t Benefit is something I truly believe in. Of course, if someone wants to offer up something for free, that’s their choice, but quit it with the complaining that not everything is free already! If something is of value, it should be valued, paid for, appreciated, and upheld.
As far as joining the conversation – I think this is something that, rather than needs to die, needs to evolve. While I understand the frustration of people writing and talking about the same thing over and over, I sincerely believe that “joining the conversation” needs to be reframed in order to encourage those who are not part of the conversation to become part of it. That being said, there are more effective ways of doing this than talking about it amongst other people who are already part of the conversation. i.e.: HOW do we bring in X on this conversation? WHERE should X have a presence online, in other media? The intent is much more important than the medium.
On “Content is King”… I absolutely agree. It’s only king if it’s being used, shared, tested, upheld, discussed, and challenged. Content is nothing without practical application.
Keep fighting the good fight 😉
.-= SaraKate´s last blog ..073. Aural Fixation: Imelda May =-.
There is something about this list (which makes excellent points) that highlights the way that Social Media is really still in adolescence. Many industries are still just getting their feet wet with this stuff. While lots of people in the space are getting to the point that they need to spread their wings – many are still struggling with the basics and the pitfalls that come with new territory.
#7 is my favorite by the way. It’s what I personally see that Is holding people back the most.
My own rules: do good things, keep track of real results and move past things that just don’t work.
.-= Melissa Murphy´s last blog ..Crafting Personalized Service =-.
Bravo Amber!
I’m glad you said it for us all!
I’m sending this post onwards to all the social media experts who are stuck on sounding like the expert, with very little action to back it up! *evil grin*
Anita Lobo
There is something about this list (which makes excellent points) that highlights the way that Social Media is really still in adolescence. Many industries are still just getting their feet wet with this stuff. While lots of people in the space are getting to the point that they need to spread their wings – many are still struggling with the basics and the pitfalls that come with new territory.
#7 is my favorite by the way. It’s what I personally see that Is holding people back the most.
My own rules: do good things, keep track of real results and move past things that just don’t work.
.-= Melissa Murphy´s last blog ..Crafting Personalized Service =-.
Bravo Amber!
I’m glad you said it for us all!
I’m sending this post onwards to all the social media experts who are stuck on sounding like the expert, with very little action to back it up! *evil grin*
Anita Lobo
Completely agree with every sentence.
I don’t see it as a rant – this is reality.
The best takeaway is telling destructive critics to navigate away from social media.
At the end of the day email marketing is so sexy
.-= Julius Solaris´s last blog ..The ‘Release Control’ Misunderstanding =-.
Completely agree with every sentence.
I don’t see it as a rant – this is reality.
The best takeaway is telling destructive critics to navigate away from social media.
At the end of the day email marketing is so sexy
.-= Julius Solaris´s last blog ..The ‘Release Control’ Misunderstanding =-.
Great post! Especially #4…how many times have i heard “we’re on Facebook and Twitter and we’re talking to our customers.” Ask them why and you get the ultimate answer…”because….blank.”
Great post! Especially #4…how many times have i heard “we’re on Facebook and Twitter and we’re talking to our customers.” Ask them why and you get the ultimate answer…”because….blank.”
There is a mismatch between what people like you (and me) want to read about and what most people want to read about. Sure, we think these topics are ragged, but they still pull a lot of traffic from services like Stumbleupon, Delicious, and Twitter. And if you’er a blogger trying to grow your audience, why would you ignore what works?
.-= Derek´s last blog ..3 More Ways to Increase Customer Satisfaction =-.
There is a mismatch between what people like you (and me) want to read about and what most people want to read about. Sure, we think these topics are ragged, but they still pull a lot of traffic from services like Stumbleupon, Delicious, and Twitter. And if you’er a blogger trying to grow your audience, why would you ignore what works?
.-= Derek´s last blog ..3 More Ways to Increase Customer Satisfaction =-.
Really, really great post! I recently posted something similar but at more from the perspective of the misguided “social experiments” in business.
Social Media Fads and the Risk to the Enterprise
This is a really great post and I would like your permission to re-post it on my own site with full credits and the original link back to your site. Can I do that?
Bill Wood – President
R3Now Consulting
No Nonsense Answers for IT Leaders
.-= Bill Wood´s last blog ..IT Outsourcing, Off Shore Support, Cost Cutting and IT Department Changes =-.
Really, really great post! I recently posted something similar but at more from the perspective of the misguided “social experiments” in business.
Social Media Fads and the Risk to the Enterprise
This is a really great post and I would like your permission to re-post it on my own site with full credits and the original link back to your site. Can I do that?
Bill Wood – President
R3Now Consulting
No Nonsense Answers for IT Leaders
.-= Bill Wood´s last blog ..IT Outsourcing, Off Shore Support, Cost Cutting and IT Department Changes =-.
Excellent rant Amber:
I’m with you on 2, 3 & 9. Entitlement for free stuff is the 21st century internet version of ‘steal this book.’
Excellent rant Amber:
I’m with you on 2, 3 & 9. Entitlement for free stuff is the 21st century internet version of ‘steal this book.’
Great stuff, Amber. I’ve noticed a welcome groundswell recently of smart social media folks getting beyond “the conversation” and “branding” and really talking about using this channel for concrete, measurable ROI. I was just in a great webinar yesterday from Marketing Experiments on getting beyond sporadic use of social media to planned, strategic effort, and many of their points were the same, based on a recent survey they conducted of over 2,000 marketers.
.-= Heidi Strom Moon´s last blog ..Case Study Results: Optimizing Blog Post Landing Pages =-.
Great stuff, Amber. I’ve noticed a welcome groundswell recently of smart social media folks getting beyond “the conversation” and “branding” and really talking about using this channel for concrete, measurable ROI. I was just in a great webinar yesterday from Marketing Experiments on getting beyond sporadic use of social media to planned, strategic effort, and many of their points were the same, based on a recent survey they conducted of over 2,000 marketers.
.-= Heidi Strom Moon´s last blog ..Case Study Results: Optimizing Blog Post Landing Pages =-.
I love it.
Happy to know I’m not renting alone. I could write endlessly about the points you just mentioned, but I’ve done that already here and here.
Feel free to visit, I’m looking for feedback. I’m not a consultant, so I won’t make money by promoting the writing. I’m just very, very interested in the topic 🙂
.-= @Danny_Fr´s last blog ..36MFRRSWRSXF =-.
This is a great post for both companies and individuals involved in social media. We spend so much time complaining about what it was or what we wish it could be, instead of adapting and just doing. For companies, as with any form of marketing – you have to have a plan and objectives. We’re not just playing with toys.
Thanks for the great insight, as always!
This may be pie-in-the-sky nonsense but what always makes me scratch my head is how many people think of social media tools as supporting or even growing their business … and they never actually USE the tools the way their customers do! And they pay no attention to how their spouses use them, their kids, their friends and so on. How on earth are you suppose to know how to use them for your business if you don’t actually use them like your customers do?
As for content, no one even knows what content is other than something that shows up in a spreadsheet or PowerPoint presentation. Comes in sizes small, medium, large and extra large. Is it a video? An article? Podcast? Even if they can identify it as something more specific than “content,” they have no idea what its value is. You can have “83 units” of content but if they’re all rubbish, they’re meaningless. Better to have one good item, video or whatever. But then you would have to do the work of figuring out what “good” would mean to your customers. Oops. Now you have to leave the office and go to where the real world is.
Now I sound crabby. 🙂
.-= Bill´s last blog ..What is the story? =-.
Excellent post – finally, a bit of good sense in the social media echo chamber!
.-= Lance Concannon´s last blog ..Why PR needs to stop trying to understand blogs =-.
I love it.
Happy to know I’m not renting alone. I could write endlessly about the points you just mentioned, but I’ve done that already here and here.
Feel free to visit, I’m looking for feedback. I’m not a consultant, so I won’t make money by promoting the writing. I’m just very, very interested in the topic 🙂
.-= @Danny_Fr´s last blog ..36MFRRSWRSXF =-.
This is a great post for both companies and individuals involved in social media. We spend so much time complaining about what it was or what we wish it could be, instead of adapting and just doing. For companies, as with any form of marketing – you have to have a plan and objectives. We’re not just playing with toys.
Thanks for the great insight, as always!
This may be pie-in-the-sky nonsense but what always makes me scratch my head is how many people think of social media tools as supporting or even growing their business … and they never actually USE the tools the way their customers do! And they pay no attention to how their spouses use them, their kids, their friends and so on. How on earth are you suppose to know how to use them for your business if you don’t actually use them like your customers do?
As for content, no one even knows what content is other than something that shows up in a spreadsheet or PowerPoint presentation. Comes in sizes small, medium, large and extra large. Is it a video? An article? Podcast? Even if they can identify it as something more specific than “content,” they have no idea what its value is. You can have “83 units” of content but if they’re all rubbish, they’re meaningless. Better to have one good item, video or whatever. But then you would have to do the work of figuring out what “good” would mean to your customers. Oops. Now you have to leave the office and go to where the real world is.
Now I sound crabby. 🙂
.-= Bill´s last blog ..What is the story? =-.
Excellent post – finally, a bit of good sense in the social media echo chamber!
.-= Lance Concannon´s last blog ..Why PR needs to stop trying to understand blogs =-.
Ah! Thanks so much for addressing these topics…the rules of business and economics still apply as they always have. Why do we think they should be tossed out along with common sense?
.-= Giles (Webconomist)´s last blog ..Keeping Your Mouth Shut In A Social Media Crisis =-.
Ah! Thanks so much for addressing these topics…the rules of business and economics still apply as they always have. Why do we think they should be tossed out along with common sense?
.-= Giles (Webconomist)´s last blog ..Keeping Your Mouth Shut In A Social Media Crisis =-.
“Attention only matters if can move people beyond noticing, and into investing their time and energy.”
Otherwise it’s just white noise. We don’t need more noise.
This is superb Amber from 1 – 9. Thanks for cutting through the BS and glorified “expertise”.
.-= The KJA Crew´s last blog ..Tasty team-building =-.
“Attention only matters if can move people beyond noticing, and into investing their time and energy.”
Otherwise it’s just white noise. We don’t need more noise.
This is superb Amber from 1 – 9. Thanks for cutting through the BS and glorified “expertise”.
.-= The KJA Crew´s last blog ..Tasty team-building =-.
Thanks for another thought provoking post, Amber.
Spot on that the discussion needs to shift from “you need to be here” to dissemination of best practices and an exploration and sharing of innovative applications and accomplishments. We don’t read endless tracts from direct marketers insisting that you just have to be doing direct mail – it’s proven effective for some applications and the discussions have evolved into examination and analysis to determine if, when and how you should use the platform. No different, really, from any social media platform.
We don’t need more social media evangelists, we need insight, expertise and ingenuity.
.-= John Heaney´s last blog ..Nestle Tastes Social Media Failure =-.
Thanks for another thought provoking post, Amber.
Spot on that the discussion needs to shift from “you need to be here” to dissemination of best practices and an exploration and sharing of innovative applications and accomplishments. We don’t read endless tracts from direct marketers insisting that you just have to be doing direct mail – it’s proven effective for some applications and the discussions have evolved into examination and analysis to determine if, when and how you should use the platform. No different, really, from any social media platform.
We don’t need more social media evangelists, we need insight, expertise and ingenuity.
.-= John Heaney´s last blog ..Nestle Tastes Social Media Failure =-.
#6 – finally. Not only is content not king, bad content is like hemlock. i could write my ass off on something, but if there’s not a goal for it, if it doesn’t invite some kind of interaction or persuade people to do something, it’s freaking worthless. How about this for content, “Just do it.” Three words. Power.
.-= Jim Mitchem´s last blog ..The Least Worst Option – Revisited =-.
#6 – finally. Not only is content not king, bad content is like hemlock. i could write my ass off on something, but if there’s not a goal for it, if it doesn’t invite some kind of interaction or persuade people to do something, it’s freaking worthless. How about this for content, “Just do it.” Three words. Power.
.-= Jim Mitchem´s last blog ..The Least Worst Option – Revisited =-.
<3 this Amber.
I can't possibly add to your salient points – other than to suggest everyone go back and read through them second time, as I did, to assure you don't miss anything.
<3 this Amber.
I can't possibly add to your salient points – other than to suggest everyone go back and read through them second time, as I did, to assure you don't miss anything.
Thanks for a refreshing no-holds barred commentary on all of this. Especially love the tone. Seriously, it’s about time someone said it without the saccharin.
.-= Becca Bernstein´s last blog ..beccabernstein: @rpulvino Ok, Richy Richenstein. Get ready for me to whip your booty into shape on the hardwoods. #140bracket =-.
Thanks for a refreshing no-holds barred commentary on all of this. Especially love the tone. Seriously, it’s about time someone said it without the saccharin.
.-= Becca Bernstein´s last blog ..beccabernstein: @rpulvino Ok, Richy Richenstein. Get ready for me to whip your booty into shape on the hardwoods. #140bracket =-.
Thanks for your outstanding post. I’m with you on all of your points, especially number three: Entitlement to Free Stuff. This really hit home with me after seeing the heat a well-known blogger took for telling the social media world how much he charges for his services, while trying to explain that he gives away a lot of his information for free. He, and everyone else that does this work for a living, should never have to justify charging money for talent, knowledge and experience! In an ideal world, I guess we could all pay our mortgages and food bills with sunshine and rainbows. But until then, my message is this: If you don’t place a value on your time, talents, knowledge, and experience someone else will!
.-= Martin Pigg´s last blog ..Will Your Life be a Foot-note or a Foot-print? =-.
I completely agree with you, I thought of the exact same situation you are speaking to when I read number three.
.-= Therese´s last blog ..Customer Service – Does your company know the meaning? =-.
Thanks for your outstanding post. I’m with you on all of your points, especially number three: Entitlement to Free Stuff. This really hit home with me after seeing the heat a well-known blogger took for telling the social media world how much he charges for his services, while trying to explain that he gives away a lot of his information for free. He, and everyone else that does this work for a living, should never have to justify charging money for talent, knowledge and experience! In an ideal world, I guess we could all pay our mortgages and food bills with sunshine and rainbows. But until then, my message is this: If you don’t place a value on your time, talents, knowledge, and experience someone else will!
.-= Martin Pigg´s last blog ..Will Your Life be a Foot-note or a Foot-print? =-.
I completely agree with you, I thought of the exact same situation you are speaking to when I read number three.
.-= Therese´s last blog ..Customer Service – Does your company know the meaning? =-.
Amber – good thoughts here. On a positive note, I would like to see more discussions around leveraging social media inside organizations…with your employees, stakeholders, etc. and the impact it has on the culture of your organization. I loved your post, “Getting Real About Creating Change,” it was refreshing and touched on a challenge our company faces everyday with our clients, but rarely seems to be talked about. Hope to see more of those discussions in the future!
.-= Nicole Hamilton´s last blog ..Putting a Plan into Action =-.
Amber – good thoughts here. On a positive note, I would like to see more discussions around leveraging social media inside organizations…with your employees, stakeholders, etc. and the impact it has on the culture of your organization. I loved your post, “Getting Real About Creating Change,” it was refreshing and touched on a challenge our company faces everyday with our clients, but rarely seems to be talked about. Hope to see more of those discussions in the future!
.-= Nicole Hamilton´s last blog ..Putting a Plan into Action =-.
Whew!!!I feel better. Posted out to all my Commercial real estate peeps.
Whew!!!I feel better. Posted out to all my Commercial real estate peeps.
This. Is. Awesome.
I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a social media expert, nor would I consider myself a motivational speaker, but I do speak to people regularly about social media and how it can be useful as a tool for one’s business, and I run into everything you talk about all the time.
Thanks so much for the terrific insight!
.-= Mariano´s last blog ..Simply SEO =-.
Great thoughts here– I try not to follow into these topics, but sometimes it’s hard because there are so many people who are uneducated about social media and ask the same questions over and over.
.-= Kelsey´s last blog ..How to get your social media profiles crawled by search bots =-.
This. Is. Awesome.
I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a social media expert, nor would I consider myself a motivational speaker, but I do speak to people regularly about social media and how it can be useful as a tool for one’s business, and I run into everything you talk about all the time.
Thanks so much for the terrific insight!
.-= Mariano´s last blog ..Simply SEO =-.
Great thoughts here– I try not to follow into these topics, but sometimes it’s hard because there are so many people who are uneducated about social media and ask the same questions over and over.
.-= Kelsey´s last blog ..How to get your social media profiles crawled by search bots =-.
As someone who is finally discovering how social media makes sense for my work, I think this article is great. I think social media’s stealth like impact has taken many businesses by surprise and now everyone is scrambling trying to use old marketing tools that no longer have relevance. It is like wearing a baby-blue tux from the seventies to a formal event. Only certain people can actually pull that off. I am attending A day with Seth Godin in a few weeks so I am excited to learn more about this amazing way of connecting with people that make sense for the life you want to create – business or otherwise.
Great post thanks,
As someone who is finally discovering how social media makes sense for my work, I think this article is great. I think social media’s stealth like impact has taken many businesses by surprise and now everyone is scrambling trying to use old marketing tools that no longer have relevance. It is like wearing a baby-blue tux from the seventies to a formal event. Only certain people can actually pull that off. I am attending A day with Seth Godin in a few weeks so I am excited to learn more about this amazing way of connecting with people that make sense for the life you want to create – business or otherwise.
Great post thanks,
So let me see…Are you saying that we should have a PURPOSE and REASON for the things we do? And that we should also measure our RESULTS?
I am aghast!
Funny but your #3, about Free Stuff, fits right into a rant that I need to have today. I think a link is in order here.
To be constructive, I will say that my clients have really moved away from the “we need a Facebook page” phase into the “how does this fit with our business phase.”
The only people really still talking about these points (except #1 which still has a lot of legs in the marketplace) are social media consultants.
I will also defend the “universal constants” point a bit since bigger corporate clients need some guidance on what resources they will need. That goes back to the ROI point, and the true meaning of ROI. Part of the Investment is human resources. I find that this is a pretty straightforward education point for clients. But, I realize this was a rant.
A very entertaining one, too. 🙂
.-= Kami Huyse´s last blog ..Perspectives: Conference Etiquette for Social Media Celebs (and the Rest of Us) =-.
10. Amber Has Straight Hair in Her New Avatar Pic
Get over it already, people.
Great stuff, Amber – as always. Everyone loves a good rant.
So let me see…Are you saying that we should have a PURPOSE and REASON for the things we do? And that we should also measure our RESULTS?
I am aghast!
Funny but your #3, about Free Stuff, fits right into a rant that I need to have today. I think a link is in order here.
To be constructive, I will say that my clients have really moved away from the “we need a Facebook page” phase into the “how does this fit with our business phase.”
The only people really still talking about these points (except #1 which still has a lot of legs in the marketplace) are social media consultants.
I will also defend the “universal constants” point a bit since bigger corporate clients need some guidance on what resources they will need. That goes back to the ROI point, and the true meaning of ROI. Part of the Investment is human resources. I find that this is a pretty straightforward education point for clients. But, I realize this was a rant.
A very entertaining one, too. 🙂
.-= Kami Huyse´s last blog ..Perspectives: Conference Etiquette for Social Media Celebs (and the Rest of Us) =-.
10. Amber Has Straight Hair in Her New Avatar Pic
Get over it already, people.
Great stuff, Amber – as always. Everyone loves a good rant.
So, so true.
There is nothing like reading-a-rant to soothe the mind. Thank you.
I’m currently developing the social media for a new company and it is laborious, but rewarding.
.-= Nicholas´s last blog ..Living in Halls, Halls, Halls. A Life of Luxury? =-.
So, so true.
There is nothing like reading-a-rant to soothe the mind. Thank you.
I’m currently developing the social media for a new company and it is laborious, but rewarding.
.-= Nicholas´s last blog ..Living in Halls, Halls, Halls. A Life of Luxury? =-.
Agreed, Amber. I’ve been calling myself a “Social Media Brat” since the beginning just because I hate the term “Guru” or “Expert” in terms of social media. No one is a guru, we’re all in this together. That should be the new slogan for social media: “We’re all in this together”.
Agreed, Amber. I’ve been calling myself a “Social Media Brat” since the beginning just because I hate the term “Guru” or “Expert” in terms of social media. No one is a guru, we’re all in this together. That should be the new slogan for social media: “We’re all in this together”.
Ah, Amber. First you go and make me feel all vindicated with your “I’m not a college grad, either” post a few weeks back, and now this.
Personally, as an ad agency “social media whatever” it’s #5 that has me currently wanting to pull my hair out. Because if you can’t demonstrate that you’ve mastered the established mainstream platforms, IMO you have no business chasing after “what’s next?”
That goes for clients with the GMOOT attitude, and for agencies who want to go back to the “dazzle them with B$ dog and pony show” model, version 2.0.
Especially when there are a blue million guys with feed readers out there trying to jump in front of your clients with a tool that has a 50/50 shot of either reaching enough critical mass to move a needle or tanking within 6 months, and then trying to convince them that if you were *really* doing your job for them, you’d have already wasted their time given them a heads up on it.
Argh. I hate being basically forced to spend time I could be using to get better results, talking about stuff that I know isn’t mature enough to use effectively yet.
Well said, Amber – great job of summing up major pain points.
#3 & 6 are my favourite bones of contention these days. Too much free, fluffy stuff, and not enough useful, lead-generating items. It’s almost become taboo to ask anyone for their information. God forbid we actually want to try and do business with anyone. My latest on this subject at http://lisamayhuby.com
Time to get back to producing content that will actually have ROI and generate some leads for our businesses, rather than eyeballs, followers or friends.
I just tweeted a link to your blog post, Lisa – looks like I’m the first on bit.ly. 😉
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
Ah, Amber. First you go and make me feel all vindicated with your “I’m not a college grad, either” post a few weeks back, and now this.
Personally, as an ad agency “social media whatever” it’s #5 that has me currently wanting to pull my hair out. Because if you can’t demonstrate that you’ve mastered the established mainstream platforms, IMO you have no business chasing after “what’s next?”
That goes for clients with the GMOOT attitude, and for agencies who want to go back to the “dazzle them with B$ dog and pony show” model, version 2.0.
Especially when there are a blue million guys with feed readers out there trying to jump in front of your clients with a tool that has a 50/50 shot of either reaching enough critical mass to move a needle or tanking within 6 months, and then trying to convince them that if you were *really* doing your job for them, you’d have already wasted their time given them a heads up on it.
Argh. I hate being basically forced to spend time I could be using to get better results, talking about stuff that I know isn’t mature enough to use effectively yet.
Well said, Amber – great job of summing up major pain points.
#3 & 6 are my favourite bones of contention these days. Too much free, fluffy stuff, and not enough useful, lead-generating items. It’s almost become taboo to ask anyone for their information. God forbid we actually want to try and do business with anyone. My latest on this subject at http://lisamayhuby.com
Time to get back to producing content that will actually have ROI and generate some leads for our businesses, rather than eyeballs, followers or friends.
I just tweeted a link to your blog post, Lisa – looks like I’m the first on bit.ly. 😉
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
Amber, Interesting fact. I Typed “How do I” in a search at twitter. Overwhelmingly, the same basic tweet came up. How do I get more followers? I immediately thought to myself… who cares?? BUT the majority of these people were not “Inner Circle”. (another misnomer that must die) These people had 10-15 people they followed or followed back and seemed to honestly want to learn how to connect.
As hinted above. The democratized web is BS. The belief of zero hierarchy is crap. The only people spewing those “Everyone has an equal voice stuff” are the ones at the top looking down and have no time to respond to a tweet or an email.
.-= Keith Burtis´s last blog ..More Ideas than Time Podcast ~ The Future is NOW =-.
Amber, Interesting fact. I Typed “How do I” in a search at twitter. Overwhelmingly, the same basic tweet came up. How do I get more followers? I immediately thought to myself… who cares?? BUT the majority of these people were not “Inner Circle”. (another misnomer that must die) These people had 10-15 people they followed or followed back and seemed to honestly want to learn how to connect.
As hinted above. The democratized web is BS. The belief of zero hierarchy is crap. The only people spewing those “Everyone has an equal voice stuff” are the ones at the top looking down and have no time to respond to a tweet or an email.
.-= Keith Burtis´s last blog ..More Ideas than Time Podcast ~ The Future is NOW =-.
Amber — it really speaks to the crowd that should be getting off their butts and getting on with it (work that is) rather than just reading about what others do and writing about what they should be doing.
.-= James Frey´s last blog ..A million little smirks =-.
Amber — it really speaks to the crowd that should be getting off their butts and getting on with it (work that is) rather than just reading about what others do and writing about what they should be doing.
.-= James Frey´s last blog ..A million little smirks =-.
Well let me add my kudos, Amber – you’re brilliant! Thanks for putting on your crabby pants, you’ve said so much of what I’ve been thinking! I think I need a blog for ranting on….might be cheaper than therapy.
By day I work for a company whose leadership likes the tired buzzwords because it makes them feel like they know something – none of them USE social media, it’s just stuff they hear about and think there’s money in them there websites. Thus we’ve ended up going through a series of social media ‘experts’ now because of a poor understanding of it. They fall for that hype. Til management actually invests in learning what social media is all about, they’ll keep on falling for it. (And not listening to me, or anyone in our company who gets it!)
Thanks for your fannnnntastic rant!
Well let me add my kudos, Amber – you’re brilliant! Thanks for putting on your crabby pants, you’ve said so much of what I’ve been thinking! I think I need a blog for ranting on….might be cheaper than therapy.
By day I work for a company whose leadership likes the tired buzzwords because it makes them feel like they know something – none of them USE social media, it’s just stuff they hear about and think there’s money in them there websites. Thus we’ve ended up going through a series of social media ‘experts’ now because of a poor understanding of it. They fall for that hype. Til management actually invests in learning what social media is all about, they’ll keep on falling for it. (And not listening to me, or anyone in our company who gets it!)
Thanks for your fannnnntastic rant!
Unfortunately I have just learned the hard way that ‘Go work hard. Prove your substance through what you do. Let the idiots hang themselves on the empty, shoddy frameworks of “strategy”’ is now to regret. I should have not worked so hard, but spent more time on twitter to promote myself and show how active in social media I am instead. I’d say that to many companies the social media fenomenas are still so new that they truly fully wouldn’t support your article that I so much would like to sign under. These companies yet see the activity and amount of followers as a proof of knowledge instead of as you say, just proof of waisting someones time.
Unfortunately I have just learned the hard way that ‘Go work hard. Prove your substance through what you do. Let the idiots hang themselves on the empty, shoddy frameworks of “strategy”’ is now to regret. I should have not worked so hard, but spent more time on twitter to promote myself and show how active in social media I am instead. I’d say that to many companies the social media fenomenas are still so new that they truly fully wouldn’t support your article that I so much would like to sign under. These companies yet see the activity and amount of followers as a proof of knowledge instead of as you say, just proof of waisting someones time.
I await the advent of antisocial media.
Yes, especially number 3 on the list! The whole ‘free’ thing needs to die and needs to be removed from our vocabulary.
Great rant and, as always, right on the money, Amber!
A lot boils down to #2 “lack of a business case” and #3 “it’s free.” Social media isn’t free – you just don’t pay to use the most popular tools (at the moment). Time is money, especially for a business. When you develop a business case for social media implementation you factor in the time it will take to do it, whether by the business owner, a salaried employee or an outsourced consultant or agency. It’s time we stopped saying social media is free.
Thanks again for all you continue to do for the rest of us in the trenches!
Spot on Wendy, time is money in any organisation and to be socially effective online requires resources and time by skilled practioners, most often “from within” or at least very close. Because social is a process and not an event, that spooks marketing thinking of yesteryear, especially in the attention deficit decade.
.-= Paul Gailey´s last blog ..Who I Am =-.
I await the advent of antisocial media.
Yes, especially number 3 on the list! The whole ‘free’ thing needs to die and needs to be removed from our vocabulary.
Great rant and, as always, right on the money, Amber!
A lot boils down to #2 “lack of a business case” and #3 “it’s free.” Social media isn’t free – you just don’t pay to use the most popular tools (at the moment). Time is money, especially for a business. When you develop a business case for social media implementation you factor in the time it will take to do it, whether by the business owner, a salaried employee or an outsourced consultant or agency. It’s time we stopped saying social media is free.
Thanks again for all you continue to do for the rest of us in the trenches!
Spot on Wendy, time is money in any organisation and to be socially effective online requires resources and time by skilled practioners, most often “from within” or at least very close. Because social is a process and not an event, that spooks marketing thinking of yesteryear, especially in the attention deficit decade.
.-= Paul Gailey´s last blog ..Who I Am =-.
Preach it, Amber! Especially #8. We’d all be better off if we spent more time actually doing the good work instead of playing ‘whack-a-mole’ as we try to stamp out/expose those we feel are hucksters. If you have that kind of time, you need to go out and drum up some more business.
.-= Steve Hartley´s last blog ..steve_hartley: @ChuckBlakeman Sadly, I’ve met a few people that would argue that the results don’t matter if you don’t follow the process. =-.
Preach it, Amber! Especially #8. We’d all be better off if we spent more time actually doing the good work instead of playing ‘whack-a-mole’ as we try to stamp out/expose those we feel are hucksters. If you have that kind of time, you need to go out and drum up some more business.
.-= Steve Hartley´s last blog ..steve_hartley: @ChuckBlakeman Sadly, I’ve met a few people that would argue that the results don’t matter if you don’t follow the process. =-.
Praise the Lord, pass the ammunition.
My favorite point is part of #8: “… suck it up. Go work hard. Prove your substance through what you do. Let the idiots hang themselves..” You cannot control what anyone else says or does; no need to get dragged down trying to mix it up with the “snake oil” peddlers. Just do what you do, do it better, make that count.
Get crabby and rant as much as you want, Amber. This whole post is just awesomeness.
.-= Davina K. Brewer´s last blog ..Think Global, Pitch Local Atlanta =-.
Praise the Lord, pass the ammunition.
My favorite point is part of #8: “… suck it up. Go work hard. Prove your substance through what you do. Let the idiots hang themselves..” You cannot control what anyone else says or does; no need to get dragged down trying to mix it up with the “snake oil” peddlers. Just do what you do, do it better, make that count.
Get crabby and rant as much as you want, Amber. This whole post is just awesomeness.
.-= Davina K. Brewer´s last blog ..Think Global, Pitch Local Atlanta =-.
Thanks Amber for a wonderful, thought provoking article. I am VERY new to social media and very eager to learn how to use it effectively. I appreicate your words of wisdom.
Thanks Amber for a wonderful, thought provoking article. I am VERY new to social media and very eager to learn how to use it effectively. I appreicate your words of wisdom.
“Attention only matters if can move people beyond noticing, and into investing their time and energy.”
For this, I thank you. It’s the crux of any campaign or medium used. Making a splash is irrelevant, bordering on worthless to any conversation. Life’s intricacies are found in the ripples, we need to focus on cultivating, nurturing, feeding resonance, repetition.
Slam a door, you’ll grab my attention. It’ll be fleeting, but you’ll have it. Enter my living room/office and talk with me, engage with my perspectives and you’ll have a long-term supporter.
Liked the rant … as much as the awesomeness.
“Attention only matters if can move people beyond noticing, and into investing their time and energy.”
For this, I thank you. It’s the crux of any campaign or medium used. Making a splash is irrelevant, bordering on worthless to any conversation. Life’s intricacies are found in the ripples, we need to focus on cultivating, nurturing, feeding resonance, repetition.
Slam a door, you’ll grab my attention. It’ll be fleeting, but you’ll have it. Enter my living room/office and talk with me, engage with my perspectives and you’ll have a long-term supporter.
Liked the rant … as much as the awesomeness.
Great stuff Amber. I’m wondering what put you over the top to write this diatribe. Oh, and it’s definitely a “How To…” Or maybe, a “How Not To…”
.-= Matches Malone´s last blog ..3 New Things I Learned During This Year’s 168 Project =-.
Great stuff Amber. I’m wondering what put you over the top to write this diatribe. Oh, and it’s definitely a “How To…” Or maybe, a “How Not To…”
.-= Matches Malone´s last blog ..3 New Things I Learned During This Year’s 168 Project =-.
Great rant / sermon / public service announcement. I can’t wait to meet you at Social Fresh Portland! I did want to expand on one point, though:
When you work in sales, and we all do, you’re always going to run into naysayers, skeptics, challengers, objectors, etc. And if you have a useful and valuable product, whether it’s a social media monitoring platform, airliners, pharmaceuticals, a food cart, or anything else, you’re going to have to be
a. Out there promoting, hyping, “broadcasting”, “interrupting”, etc.
b. Asking for the sale, and
c. Ready to compete on price if necessary and ready to walk away if you can’t meet the buyer’s price without damaging your business.
Social media haven’t changed that.
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
Great rant / sermon / public service announcement. I can’t wait to meet you at Social Fresh Portland! I did want to expand on one point, though:
When you work in sales, and we all do, you’re always going to run into naysayers, skeptics, challengers, objectors, etc. And if you have a useful and valuable product, whether it’s a social media monitoring platform, airliners, pharmaceuticals, a food cart, or anything else, you’re going to have to be
a. Out there promoting, hyping, “broadcasting”, “interrupting”, etc.
b. Asking for the sale, and
c. Ready to compete on price if necessary and ready to walk away if you can’t meet the buyer’s price without damaging your business.
Social media haven’t changed that.
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
Hi Amber, I like your message and the edge in its delivery. I’ve spent the last 2-3 years building an enterprise-wide business development function and launching new programs. In a word … to drive GROWTH. Emerging technologies (yes, including social media) play a role and, the goal is growth. Frankly, 2009 felt like “the year of social media opining” and while interesting, not too useful when defining and launching multi-million dollar programs. I’m hoping to see 2010 become the year of execution to specific strategies that drive growth. Hence, the reason I liked your “need to die” POV. Aaron
Yeah – 2009 was “the year of …” 😉 I can’t speak about Facebook – I’m strictly a Twitter geek. On Twitter, 2009 was the year that Twitter went from being a network of insiders to, for want of a better definition, a “breaking news / topic discussion forum”. You can see that in the numbers I extracted from Twitter data here:
Twitter had “explosive” growth thrust upon it in 2009. The peak growth in terms of user IDs happened in June of 2009, coincident with the Iran election and the aftermath of the death of Michael Jackson. After that, growth settled down to a more or less steady rate.
But when you think about it, there are only three ways to grow (in order of difficulty):
1. Sell more to your existing customers.
2. Create new customers.
3. Take customers away from someone else.
Our challenge in “social media marketing” is how to accomplish these things without being creepy. I don’t think either Google or Facebook is succeeding at the “don’t be creepy” part, and the whole Foursquare / Gowalla / “mobile-location-based-services” arena is a creepiness disaster area. It’s sad when Microsoft looks like a “White Knight” in a sea of creepiness. 😉
Maybe I think Twitter is better because that’s where my focus is – maybe that’s a personal blind spot. But from where I sit, Twitter is going out of their way to be “a force for good” in social media. Are they Wikipedia? Well, no – but they’ve got a better shot at it than anyone else IMHO.
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
Hi Amber, I like your message and the edge in its delivery. I’ve spent the last 2-3 years building an enterprise-wide business development function and launching new programs. In a word … to drive GROWTH. Emerging technologies (yes, including social media) play a role and, the goal is growth. Frankly, 2009 felt like “the year of social media opining” and while interesting, not too useful when defining and launching multi-million dollar programs. I’m hoping to see 2010 become the year of execution to specific strategies that drive growth. Hence, the reason I liked your “need to die” POV. Aaron
Yeah – 2009 was “the year of …” 😉 I can’t speak about Facebook – I’m strictly a Twitter geek. On Twitter, 2009 was the year that Twitter went from being a network of insiders to, for want of a better definition, a “breaking news / topic discussion forum”. You can see that in the numbers I extracted from Twitter data here:
Twitter had “explosive” growth thrust upon it in 2009. The peak growth in terms of user IDs happened in June of 2009, coincident with the Iran election and the aftermath of the death of Michael Jackson. After that, growth settled down to a more or less steady rate.
But when you think about it, there are only three ways to grow (in order of difficulty):
1. Sell more to your existing customers.
2. Create new customers.
3. Take customers away from someone else.
Our challenge in “social media marketing” is how to accomplish these things without being creepy. I don’t think either Google or Facebook is succeeding at the “don’t be creepy” part, and the whole Foursquare / Gowalla / “mobile-location-based-services” arena is a creepiness disaster area. It’s sad when Microsoft looks like a “White Knight” in a sea of creepiness. 😉
Maybe I think Twitter is better because that’s where my focus is – maybe that’s a personal blind spot. But from where I sit, Twitter is going out of their way to be “a force for good” in social media. Are they Wikipedia? Well, no – but they’ve got a better shot at it than anyone else IMHO.
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
Yup. You rock.
.-= Jacki (JackiYo)´s last blog ..24 Things Every* Child of the 80s Should Know =-.
Yup. You rock.
.-= Jacki (JackiYo)´s last blog ..24 Things Every* Child of the 80s Should Know =-.
Well Amber, you just listed about 90% of the tweets I see every day. I agree, it’s time for something more concrete then the same ole, same ole BS. I’m really facing a come to Jesus about how my goals for social media have evolved. Very timely post. I think we have ESPN…ha ha
Consistent quality content from you Amber.
.-= Anna Barcelos´s last blog ..Five Confessions of an Integrated Marketing Communications Marketer =-.
Well Amber, you just listed about 90% of the tweets I see every day. I agree, it’s time for something more concrete then the same ole, same ole BS. I’m really facing a come to Jesus about how my goals for social media have evolved. Very timely post. I think we have ESPN…ha ha
Consistent quality content from you Amber.
.-= Anna Barcelos´s last blog ..Five Confessions of an Integrated Marketing Communications Marketer =-.
This is indeed a great article! Keep it coming.
.-= Claudia Guzman´s last blog ..Social Media Monitoring Tools =-.
This is indeed a great article! Keep it coming.
.-= Claudia Guzman´s last blog ..Social Media Monitoring Tools =-.
You’re wrong, you don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re doing the same thing as the very people you’re criticizing.
I love your post, thank goodness someone told the truth, and I really agree with you. No seriously, I love your work. Let’s do lunch.
OK Amber (if that’s your real name), the social blogosphere, microblogging macrocosm of people with too much time on their hands and a microphone to prove it have gone berserk. Companies are throwing time and money away to create more crap with no value. And a whole new class of netizens has emerged to claim status in guiding the neophytes down this road of frivolous fluff.
Is that really the problem or is the problem that we, as a society, have (once again) convinced ourselves of our own hype? Haven’t we just replaced the dotcom post it and they will buy mantra with a new social spin? Millions of people are doing it, so it must be effective. Of course, I don’t know any of them. Well that’s not true, I met a few of them in San Francisco one night and they sounded like they knew what they were talking about. As an aside, one of them told me they know the secret about how it all works and we’re having lunch next Tuesday.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Yes, content is king. Sorry, but that is the truth. Unfortunately, the definition of content has become blurred. Much of what is passed-off as content is worthless. Don’t believe me? Then take your content, slap it into a book and try to get a publisher to sell it. Content is what people are willing to pay for. Hate to break the news to you, but very few social media gurus are working themselves towards a big, overpriced mansion in the hills (but if you’re one of them, I have an overpriced house that cost me a fortune that I’ll sell you).
So what do we do? I say “we” because we’re family, right? We’re all in this together. OK, maybe not. We used to build tools and, now that all the tools are free, we build the stuff that the tools were designed to build. Yeah, we’re all artists! And we can create virtual galleries in the sky to sell our art. Or at least show our art. Well, not really show cuz no one really cares, but we can create galleries that have lots of fans and followers. And they might buy our content. Or they might know someone who will. Or they’ll tell their friends and we can bill advertisers to show their ads to the people who aren’t coming to buy our content.
And I can show you how to do this for $100 an hour because I’m a Social Media Consultant. If I worked at your company, I would have the title of Executive Vice President of Social Media Technology and you would have to pay me gobs of money to come into your drab office everyday. So $100 an hour is a real bargain. Seriously, I know lots of secrets that you don’t know. You should sign up for at least 100 hours a month.
By the way, the preceding is content. Its king. And it has a shelf life of about three nano-seconds. You see the post below this one? That guy didn’t even read what I had to say. What a jerk, who does he think he is anyway? Somebody about a month from now will troll through this thread on a Sunday morning while they’re sipping coffee and reply (harshly, I might add) that I’m full of it. And they’ll do a really great job of knocking me. Heck, they’ll even find all my spelling errors. But the crowd will have moved on and no one will read their post either.
I’d chat more but I have a gallery opening starting in a few minutes.
You’re wrong, you don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re doing the same thing as the very people you’re criticizing.
I love your post, thank goodness someone told the truth, and I really agree with you. No seriously, I love your work. Let’s do lunch.
OK Amber (if that’s your real name), the social blogosphere, microblogging macrocosm of people with too much time on their hands and a microphone to prove it have gone berserk. Companies are throwing time and money away to create more crap with no value. And a whole new class of netizens has emerged to claim status in guiding the neophytes down this road of frivolous fluff.
Is that really the problem or is the problem that we, as a society, have (once again) convinced ourselves of our own hype? Haven’t we just replaced the dotcom post it and they will buy mantra with a new social spin? Millions of people are doing it, so it must be effective. Of course, I don’t know any of them. Well that’s not true, I met a few of them in San Francisco one night and they sounded like they knew what they were talking about. As an aside, one of them told me they know the secret about how it all works and we’re having lunch next Tuesday.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Yes, content is king. Sorry, but that is the truth. Unfortunately, the definition of content has become blurred. Much of what is passed-off as content is worthless. Don’t believe me? Then take your content, slap it into a book and try to get a publisher to sell it. Content is what people are willing to pay for. Hate to break the news to you, but very few social media gurus are working themselves towards a big, overpriced mansion in the hills (but if you’re one of them, I have an overpriced house that cost me a fortune that I’ll sell you).
So what do we do? I say “we” because we’re family, right? We’re all in this together. OK, maybe not. We used to build tools and, now that all the tools are free, we build the stuff that the tools were designed to build. Yeah, we’re all artists! And we can create virtual galleries in the sky to sell our art. Or at least show our art. Well, not really show cuz no one really cares, but we can create galleries that have lots of fans and followers. And they might buy our content. Or they might know someone who will. Or they’ll tell their friends and we can bill advertisers to show their ads to the people who aren’t coming to buy our content.
And I can show you how to do this for $100 an hour because I’m a Social Media Consultant. If I worked at your company, I would have the title of Executive Vice President of Social Media Technology and you would have to pay me gobs of money to come into your drab office everyday. So $100 an hour is a real bargain. Seriously, I know lots of secrets that you don’t know. You should sign up for at least 100 hours a month.
By the way, the preceding is content. Its king. And it has a shelf life of about three nano-seconds. You see the post below this one? That guy didn’t even read what I had to say. What a jerk, who does he think he is anyway? Somebody about a month from now will troll through this thread on a Sunday morning while they’re sipping coffee and reply (harshly, I might add) that I’m full of it. And they’ll do a really great job of knocking me. Heck, they’ll even find all my spelling errors. But the crowd will have moved on and no one will read their post either.
I’d chat more but I have a gallery opening starting in a few minutes.
very well said young lady !
very well said young lady !
Hi Amber –
Good to blow off some steam huh?
The proverbial questions that continue to haunt the professionals in this space will always be the echoing sentiments of those who don’t get it. To be fair I don’t blame them for not getting it, but what does bother me are those who juggle the 9 above mentioned topics in a vain effort to appear like they get it.
If the social web is truly an organic hybrid monster, then we should all recognize that labeling it and attempting to confine it into a safe box on the shelf is a futile effort. I believe this is true for both sides of the coin – those who get it and those who don’t.
It’s in our nature to try to organize things and it’s only natural that we start to discriminate the actions of those that aren’t necessarily in tune with our own social media songs.
.-= DaveMurr´s last blog ..Concentrated Reality =-.
Hi Amber –
Good to blow off some steam huh?
The proverbial questions that continue to haunt the professionals in this space will always be the echoing sentiments of those who don’t get it. To be fair I don’t blame them for not getting it, but what does bother me are those who juggle the 9 above mentioned topics in a vain effort to appear like they get it.
If the social web is truly an organic hybrid monster, then we should all recognize that labeling it and attempting to confine it into a safe box on the shelf is a futile effort. I believe this is true for both sides of the coin – those who get it and those who don’t.
It’s in our nature to try to organize things and it’s only natural that we start to discriminate the actions of those that aren’t necessarily in tune with our own social media songs.
.-= DaveMurr´s last blog ..Concentrated Reality =-.
I still believe the great content is the best way to make a good traffic. Someday people will found our great content soon or later.
.-= forlan´s last blog ..Do not work as an e-mail maker =-.
It’s not about traffic, it’s about *sales*! You really should read Lisa’s post The fall of the King — On The Run Marketing http://meb.tw/9We0Gw.
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
I still believe the great content is the best way to make a good traffic. Someday people will found our great content soon or later.
.-= forlan´s last blog ..Do not work as an e-mail maker =-.
It’s not about traffic, it’s about *sales*! You really should read Lisa’s post The fall of the King — On The Run Marketing http://meb.tw/9We0Gw.
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
You had me until part way through #9 when you seemed to suggest I shut down my Twitter account. I am tired of hearing about it, I’d rather just DO it. Why talk about social media while using social media? Talk about something worthwhile instead.
Of course, I am in control if my Twitter stream and removed those tiring conversations. And hey now that Scott Stratten says he’s no longer a social media preacher, I might follow him again cuz he is a cool guy. 😉
Twitter, Facebook et. al. weren’t really created so we can talk about Twitter and Facebook. They were created so we can share and talk about stuff. I like that!
But seriously, excellent post…I appreciate your wise crabby rant.
You had me until part way through #9 when you seemed to suggest I shut down my Twitter account. I am tired of hearing about it, I’d rather just DO it. Why talk about social media while using social media? Talk about something worthwhile instead.
Of course, I am in control if my Twitter stream and removed those tiring conversations. And hey now that Scott Stratten says he’s no longer a social media preacher, I might follow him again cuz he is a cool guy. 😉
Twitter, Facebook et. al. weren’t really created so we can talk about Twitter and Facebook. They were created so we can share and talk about stuff. I like that!
But seriously, excellent post…I appreciate your wise crabby rant.
I want to talk #6, content is king. I think that it goes beyond this because the space is way way way overcrowded. So, if content is king, then who is queen? Obviously, the reader, who is innundated with content from every angle of the interwebz (if this is such as thing). Consequently, I do want to know more. I am a writer so I have no doubt about the quality of my content. But what I’ve observed is the blogging is so 2000 and late. So how do you not only grab but maintain attention, particular when you have a niche and a specific focus? Million dollar question, right?
“I want to talk #6, content is king. I think that it goes beyond this because the space is way way way overcrowded. So, if content is king, then who is queen? Obviously, the reader, who is innundated with content from every angle of the interwebz (if this is such as thing). Consequently, I do want to know more. I am a writer so I have no doubt about the quality of my content. But what I’ve observed is the blogging is so 2000 and late. So how do you not only grab but maintain attention, particular when you have a niche and a specific focus? Million dollar question, right?”
Actually, yes, it is a million-dollar question. 😉 I think the key is to strike the correct balance between being analytical and being human. Too little analysis, too little attention to how much time you’re spending and what you are receiving in return, too little attention to the competition and industry trends is fatal. But unless you’re in the metrics business, as Amber is, paying too much attention to that, to the exclusion of your unique voice, your customers and prospects and their real-world pain points is also fatal.
All of today’s platforms give you the ability to broadcast, to listen to the crowd, and to converse both in public and in private. That’s something we haven’t really had until Facebook and the Twitter ecosystem came of age. We had email, we had SEO/SEM, we had forums, we had blogs, we had content management systems, and we had company-specific eMarketing platforms like Amazon’s. The tools are there – the challenge is to build a productive business workflow with them.
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
I want to talk #6, content is king. I think that it goes beyond this because the space is way way way overcrowded. So, if content is king, then who is queen? Obviously, the reader, who is innundated with content from every angle of the interwebz (if this is such as thing). Consequently, I do want to know more. I am a writer so I have no doubt about the quality of my content. But what I’ve observed is the blogging is so 2000 and late. So how do you not only grab but maintain attention, particular when you have a niche and a specific focus? Million dollar question, right?
“I want to talk #6, content is king. I think that it goes beyond this because the space is way way way overcrowded. So, if content is king, then who is queen? Obviously, the reader, who is innundated with content from every angle of the interwebz (if this is such as thing). Consequently, I do want to know more. I am a writer so I have no doubt about the quality of my content. But what I’ve observed is the blogging is so 2000 and late. So how do you not only grab but maintain attention, particular when you have a niche and a specific focus? Million dollar question, right?”
Actually, yes, it is a million-dollar question. 😉 I think the key is to strike the correct balance between being analytical and being human. Too little analysis, too little attention to how much time you’re spending and what you are receiving in return, too little attention to the competition and industry trends is fatal. But unless you’re in the metrics business, as Amber is, paying too much attention to that, to the exclusion of your unique voice, your customers and prospects and their real-world pain points is also fatal.
All of today’s platforms give you the ability to broadcast, to listen to the crowd, and to converse both in public and in private. That’s something we haven’t really had until Facebook and the Twitter ecosystem came of age. We had email, we had SEO/SEM, we had forums, we had blogs, we had content management systems, and we had company-specific eMarketing platforms like Amazon’s. The tools are there – the challenge is to build a productive business workflow with them.
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
Sounds like you’re having a hard time justifying your job.
There are some great point in here, though 🙂
Sounds like you’re having a hard time justifying your job.
There are some great point in here, though 🙂
This is priceless….it’s also honest, interesting and fun to read.
Thanks, I needed that!??
.-= Ali R. Rodriguez´s last blog ..What do you want to be when you grow up? =-.
This is priceless….it’s also honest, interesting and fun to read.
Thanks, I needed that!??
.-= Ali R. Rodriguez´s last blog ..What do you want to be when you grow up? =-.
Sister, you said it like it needed to be said!
Sister, you said it like it needed to be said!
Can it be that social media are evolving so rapidly that all so-called expertise is over-valued? Compare it to, for example, direct mail, which has established proven techniques and results over generations.
I don’t at all think that social media expertise in general and analytics in particular is over-valued. In fact, because of the complexity and talent required to make sense of the huge volumes of data, I think analytics are undervalued. The fact is that marketing spending is increasing for social media, location-based and mobile tools and decreasing for direct mail. The numbers just aren’t on your side.
Sure, there are always going to be market segments where direct mail is the best way to reach prospects. But there are huge market segments where you’ll be totally and irrevocably invisible if you aren’t using the latest social, location-based mobile tools.
Again, it’s all about growth and market share.
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
Can it be that social media are evolving so rapidly that all so-called expertise is over-valued? Compare it to, for example, direct mail, which has established proven techniques and results over generations.
I don’t at all think that social media expertise in general and analytics in particular is over-valued. In fact, because of the complexity and talent required to make sense of the huge volumes of data, I think analytics are undervalued. The fact is that marketing spending is increasing for social media, location-based and mobile tools and decreasing for direct mail. The numbers just aren’t on your side.
Sure, there are always going to be market segments where direct mail is the best way to reach prospects. But there are huge market segments where you’ll be totally and irrevocably invisible if you aren’t using the latest social, location-based mobile tools.
Again, it’s all about growth and market share.
.-= M. Edward (Ed) Borasky´s last blog ..A Visual History Of Twitter’s Growth =-.
I appreciate your rant! 😉
I appreciate your rant! 😉
Absolutely hands down best thing ever written on the interwebs!
Absolutely hands down best thing ever written on the interwebs!
Yes 9x over, but especially 3. Couldn’t have said this better myself.
Yes 9x over, but especially 3. Couldn’t have said this better myself.
Content without reaction is just tweeting into the void. If you’re not writing, interacting, whatever to make some sort of significant cahnge, then you’re just doing it to listen to the sound of your own voice.
“Expert” is the term that has been done to death in the last year or so. Many of us have been with it from the start, but it’s all so irrelevant in the larger scheme of things. So you have an audience. What are you doing with it?
Thanks for the breath of fresh air, Amber.
.-= JohnnyFrisk´s last blog ..A Not So Tricky Question =-.
Content without reaction is just tweeting into the void. If you’re not writing, interacting, whatever to make some sort of significant cahnge, then you’re just doing it to listen to the sound of your own voice.
“Expert” is the term that has been done to death in the last year or so. Many of us have been with it from the start, but it’s all so irrelevant in the larger scheme of things. So you have an audience. What are you doing with it?
Thanks for the breath of fresh air, Amber.
.-= JohnnyFrisk´s last blog ..A Not So Tricky Question =-.
The content must be uniqueness and freshness that will gain more viral and distribution through various form of channels including bloggers, social bookmarking and social media channels.
.-= Nuttakorn Rattanachaisit´s last blog ..Social Marketing Compass =-.
The content must be uniqueness and freshness that will gain more viral and distribution through various form of channels including bloggers, social bookmarking and social media channels.
.-= Nuttakorn Rattanachaisit´s last blog ..Social Marketing Compass =-.
Very nicely put together. Essentially what you are saying is that any online solution ought to be based around user’s needs and that companies need to join those networks which are relevant for their users and where their users and hanging around, as well as conversations which are important for both sides.
Very nice post. I need to write something like this from my own angle and experience also.
.-= Jason Grant´s last blog ..Useful, usable, buildable =-.
Very nicely put together. Essentially what you are saying is that any online solution ought to be based around user’s needs and that companies need to join those networks which are relevant for their users and where their users and hanging around, as well as conversations which are important for both sides.
Very nice post. I need to write something like this from my own angle and experience also.
.-= Jason Grant´s last blog ..Useful, usable, buildable =-.
WOW! I can’t believe that it took so long (No offense to you!) for someone to write this.
I am soooo sick of some of the sm buzzwords, I could just puke.
You did a fine job, and I’ll see you at BWE 2010, I hope!
The Franchise King®
WOW! I can’t believe that it took so long (No offense to you!) for someone to write this.
I am soooo sick of some of the sm buzzwords, I could just puke.
You did a fine job, and I’ll see you at BWE 2010, I hope!
The Franchise King®
Thank you so much for posting these 9 things about social. I particularly honed in on Bill’s comment of the people not doing it. I have found these are the same people that say “oh I get this social media thing, but I don’t have to do it but I support it” really you are the same people in positions of power and influence that do nothing to bring others into the conversation and further the approach for the business
Like Bill said you have to do this stuff to see the possibilities of the true sustainable economic and social return. If you are not you’re just fooling yourself and not helping.
The one thing I have been struggling with is to get the leadership of companies that have grown up in a traditional business structure of command, control, silo’d, hierarchical, and top down to learn and understand how powerful collaboration, sharing, co-opetition, co-creating and open dialogue truly is. We can talk about all day long, but to Bill’s point if they are not doing and experiencing it, it is a stretch for them to understand the concepts and execution.
I am not looking for a constant, but it would be helpful to get 2-3 tips that have really energize the conversation to really get “purse-string” holders onboard. I think the culture of this world is a harder uphill battle than the strategy and execution, we are trying to rewrite 30 years of doing business…..
Thank you so much for posting these 9 things about social. I particularly honed in on Bill’s comment of the people not doing it. I have found these are the same people that say “oh I get this social media thing, but I don’t have to do it but I support it” really you are the same people in positions of power and influence that do nothing to bring others into the conversation and further the approach for the business
Like Bill said you have to do this stuff to see the possibilities of the true sustainable economic and social return. If you are not you’re just fooling yourself and not helping.
The one thing I have been struggling with is to get the leadership of companies that have grown up in a traditional business structure of command, control, silo’d, hierarchical, and top down to learn and understand how powerful collaboration, sharing, co-opetition, co-creating and open dialogue truly is. We can talk about all day long, but to Bill’s point if they are not doing and experiencing it, it is a stretch for them to understand the concepts and execution.
I am not looking for a constant, but it would be helpful to get 2-3 tips that have really energize the conversation to really get “purse-string” holders onboard. I think the culture of this world is a harder uphill battle than the strategy and execution, we are trying to rewrite 30 years of doing business…..
Great rant. I admire the courage to rant in public.
Great rant. I admire the courage to rant in public.
I just linked to this post on my own blog – the One Way to Make Social.Tech Effective – Get on with it http://goo.gl/fb/Ycjs
.-= James Frey´s last blog ..A million little smirks =-.
I just linked to this post on my own blog – the One Way to Make Social.Tech Effective – Get on with it http://goo.gl/fb/Ycjs
.-= James Frey´s last blog ..A million little smirks =-.
This is a helluva good post. Agree with you ALMOST across the board, but I do have to strongly disagree with #6 “Content is King” if only on semantics.
You don’t differentiate content from “actionable quality content”. Content is in fact mandatory for all of this to even exist, imagine blogs with no posts? Twitter with no tweets? YouTube with no video… you get the idea.
Content can move people to action, content is information, communication and conversation. Content is how we build relationships and that is what leads to the prize.
I would agree that there is a lot of worthless content out there but content is how we get it done. Being smart and strategic about your content is critical and why I would content that having a strategy and not just blasting out content ad-hoc will start getting a lot more attention.
“Content is worth precisely ZERO until it’s being found” is true as well but nothing gets found if there is no content.
All that aside, keep up the good work, love your stuff!
.-= Scott Ells´s last blog ..FollowFriday 2.0 New and Improved! =-.
This is a helluva good post. Agree with you ALMOST across the board, but I do have to strongly disagree with #6 “Content is King” if only on semantics.
You don’t differentiate content from “actionable quality content”. Content is in fact mandatory for all of this to even exist, imagine blogs with no posts? Twitter with no tweets? YouTube with no video… you get the idea.
Content can move people to action, content is information, communication and conversation. Content is how we build relationships and that is what leads to the prize.
I would agree that there is a lot of worthless content out there but content is how we get it done. Being smart and strategic about your content is critical and why I would content that having a strategy and not just blasting out content ad-hoc will start getting a lot more attention.
“Content is worth precisely ZERO until it’s being found” is true as well but nothing gets found if there is no content.
All that aside, keep up the good work, love your stuff!
.-= Scott Ells´s last blog ..FollowFriday 2.0 New and Improved! =-.
Nice list; well-written.
Regarding #3, “content creators are [not] morally or ethically corrupt because they’re asking for compensation” — I agree, but too many people like me feel that abundance of choice cancels out quality every time, especially when free advice [like yours!] is better than paid advice.
So, I easily locate free news content that is nearly as good (or better) than paid news content. How can any pay wall combat all the sharing on Twitter?
And, in looking for a computer program that solves my needs, I pass over the try-it-30-days-for-free versions in search of an open-source free-forever solution. Why buy Microsoft Office when OpenOffice.org works as well? Why buy SPSS when PSPP works as well? Why pay for Photoshop when Paint.net works as well?
“Content” has way too many competitors for anyone to make a buck anymore. Read Chapter 3 of “the Wealth of Networks” for details. But don’t buy it. It’s free online at benkler.org
Nice list; well-written.
Regarding #3, “content creators are [not] morally or ethically corrupt because they’re asking for compensation” — I agree, but too many people like me feel that abundance of choice cancels out quality every time, especially when free advice [like yours!] is better than paid advice.
So, I easily locate free news content that is nearly as good (or better) than paid news content. How can any pay wall combat all the sharing on Twitter?
And, in looking for a computer program that solves my needs, I pass over the try-it-30-days-for-free versions in search of an open-source free-forever solution. Why buy Microsoft Office when OpenOffice.org works as well? Why buy SPSS when PSPP works as well? Why pay for Photoshop when Paint.net works as well?
“Content” has way too many competitors for anyone to make a buck anymore. Read Chapter 3 of “the Wealth of Networks” for details. But don’t buy it. It’s free online at benkler.org
This is one of the many reasons so many people respect and adore you. Very well put Amber. Thank you for keeping us in check!
This is one of the many reasons so many people respect and adore you. Very well put Amber. Thank you for keeping us in check!
My neck hurts from nodding in agreement. I’ll send you the bill from my chiropractor.
.-= Mandi´s last blog ..3 things Nestle’s doing right =-.
My neck hurts from nodding in agreement. I’ll send you the bill from my chiropractor.
.-= Mandi´s last blog ..3 things Nestle’s doing right =-.
You go, girl! I find all the stupid hype and buzzwords make a lot of smart people gun-shy of thinking it through as a business tool. Depending on the goals, it can be incredibly useful, or fairly useful, or not at all useful. It’s great to see someone working for Radian6, someone with cred, cutting through the hype and bringing it down to context and strategy. You just got even more cred in my eyes — I just subscribed to the RSS and will be a regular reader.
You go, girl! I find all the stupid hype and buzzwords make a lot of smart people gun-shy of thinking it through as a business tool. Depending on the goals, it can be incredibly useful, or fairly useful, or not at all useful. It’s great to see someone working for Radian6, someone with cred, cutting through the hype and bringing it down to context and strategy. You just got even more cred in my eyes — I just subscribed to the RSS and will be a regular reader.
“Need To Die” they will always continue to exist, they are not going to die. everyone has different ideas. for the newbe, ten points above still be a major goal.
.-= rososusilo´s last blog ..Facebook: A Popular Social Networking Website =-.
“Need To Die” they will always continue to exist, they are not going to die. everyone has different ideas. for the newbe, ten points above still be a major goal.
.-= rososusilo´s last blog ..Facebook: A Popular Social Networking Website =-.
About time, and I agree on four, six and eight. Social media is a great tactic at reaching the audiences we are hired to engage, it’s not the cure for cancer.
.-= Bill Smith´s last blog ..In Memory, G. Douglas Smith 1937-2005. =-.
About time, and I agree on four, six and eight. Social media is a great tactic at reaching the audiences we are hired to engage, it’s not the cure for cancer.
.-= Bill Smith´s last blog ..In Memory, G. Douglas Smith 1937-2005. =-.
I loved this article. I’m sick of how many B@B’s think that back and forth tweets of their sales agenda are actually being read by anyone who would really want to do business. Would it be possible to quote you? Please let me know.
I loved this article. I’m sick of how many B@B’s think that back and forth tweets of their sales agenda are actually being read by anyone who would really want to do business. Would it be possible to quote you? Please let me know.
oops… B2B
.-= Christian´s last blog ..Keyword Density Tool =-.
oops… B2B
.-= Christian´s last blog ..Keyword Density Tool =-.
Amber – I just found your blog by chance. Kudus to you and ditto to all the comments above.
Amber – I just found your blog by chance. Kudus to you and ditto to all the comments above.
lol. Love it. Love it. How to get more followers/fans. So over this. It’s not about counting. A whole heap of faceless people following you mean nothing if they don’t lend something to whatever you’re trying to achieve. If only 1% of that mass is interacting with you, how does having the other 99% really add value? Great post.
.-= Avi H´s last blog ..Guest Post: Social Media, "the ultimate stormer" =-.
lol. Love it. Love it. How to get more followers/fans. So over this. It’s not about counting. A whole heap of faceless people following you mean nothing if they don’t lend something to whatever you’re trying to achieve. If only 1% of that mass is interacting with you, how does having the other 99% really add value? Great post.
.-= Avi H´s last blog ..Guest Post: Social Media, "the ultimate stormer" =-.
I didn’t find it unproductive at all. Thanks. Here my take #1 take away:
“Offer something constructive of your own. Do it better. If it has practical uses but there are misconceptions, correct them through illustrating the alternatives, teaching, doing.”
Thanks Amber!
I didn’t find it unproductive at all. Thanks. Here my take #1 take away:
“Offer something constructive of your own. Do it better. If it has practical uses but there are misconceptions, correct them through illustrating the alternatives, teaching, doing.”
Thanks Amber!
I like this. I like you. Looking forward to your upcoming ideas.
I like this. I like you. Looking forward to your upcoming ideas.
Yes. Absolutely. Right on. I bristled a bit at the “content is king” jab, but you’re right. Content is only as strong as your plan of what to do with it. I wrote a post recently about Hudson Valley social media firms (the market my company exists in) and I’ve got another post brewing. I’m interesting in identifying and exposing the sources that perpetuate the social media topics you identify as most in need of a digital shanking. Early favorites are 1. Anyone who uses the term “wonk,” “guru” or “maven” when referring to their social media stature, and 2. Anyone who doesn’t remember when MySpace was the awesomest.
.-= 90MilesNorth´s last blog ..The State Of Modern Social Media Marketing In The Hudson Valley =-.
Yes. Absolutely. Right on. I bristled a bit at the “content is king” jab, but you’re right. Content is only as strong as your plan of what to do with it. I wrote a post recently about Hudson Valley social media firms (the market my company exists in) and I’ve got another post brewing. I’m interesting in identifying and exposing the sources that perpetuate the social media topics you identify as most in need of a digital shanking. Early favorites are 1. Anyone who uses the term “wonk,” “guru” or “maven” when referring to their social media stature, and 2. Anyone who doesn’t remember when MySpace was the awesomest.
.-= 90MilesNorth´s last blog ..The State Of Modern Social Media Marketing In The Hudson Valley =-.
Love this. I have been echo’ing most of these for the past year as there is more hot air in social than a fleet of blimps. Everyday I get another RSS Feed by some windbag who never implemented anything telling me the Top 5 things To do, Not to do, etc…
One thing, Content is always important. Thing is we think advertising is content that people want to talk about. The sad fact is most advertising is crap and people don’t really care about it. Content, however could inspire people to look further, question, join, research or purchase.
Love this. I have been echo’ing most of these for the past year as there is more hot air in social than a fleet of blimps. Everyday I get another RSS Feed by some windbag who never implemented anything telling me the Top 5 things To do, Not to do, etc…
One thing, Content is always important. Thing is we think advertising is content that people want to talk about. The sad fact is most advertising is crap and people don’t really care about it. Content, however could inspire people to look further, question, join, research or purchase.
Meowza! I can feel the fire in yer belly! You should post when crabby more often.
Great selection of “doomed” topics. Thank you for venting.
Meowza! I can feel the fire in yer belly! You should post when crabby more often.
Great selection of “doomed” topics. Thank you for venting.
This is a nice post. Thanks for sharing these ideas. Keep them coming.
.-= Claudia Guzman´s last blog ..Social Media Monitoring Tools =-.
This is a nice post. Thanks for sharing these ideas. Keep them coming.
.-= Claudia Guzman´s last blog ..Social Media Monitoring Tools =-.
Good points and very funny. I was JUST thinking this this morning. That’s why, today, our blog is about Bunnies.
Good points and very funny. I was JUST thinking this this morning. That’s why, today, our blog is about Bunnies.
Social Media is overrated. Too many experts = too many cooks in the kitchen.
Social Media is overrated. Too many experts = too many cooks in the kitchen.
I don’t think that trying to gain followers and fans is a waist of time. It provides publicity and recognition. It represents the people who support you and via their support, they are showcasing you as reliable.”Content is worth precisely ZERO until it’s being found, consumed, and then used to do something.” Exactly, so how is that content going to be found? Through followers and fans.
I don’t think that trying to gain followers and fans is a waist of time. It provides publicity and recognition. It represents the people who support you and via their support, they are showcasing you as reliable.”Content is worth precisely ZERO until it’s being found, consumed, and then used to do something.” Exactly, so how is that content going to be found? Through followers and fans.
Wow! I love this post – thanks for saying all that. Now, as you said, back to work I go!
Wow! I love this post – thanks for saying all that. Now, as you said, back to work I go!
Not a rant, completely true. Now, what was it exactly that caused you to write this? Beneficial to us, but I’m curious as to who or what occurred to inspire the ‘rant’. 🙂
Not all methods of social media marketing are good for your business of course you need to choose the right strategy for its development and make sure that you are also ready to take all challenges that you can get in social media.
Thank you for being the voice of reason. I have yet to buy or click on an ad that’s attached to some giant social media wall. I have a conversation with my girlfriend and my goldfish. Sometimes one of them listens. If I’m damn lucky it’s the girlfriend.
If I want something from a company, I buy it. I see companies that have social media plastered everywhere as used car salesmen. Trust me, Joe from the Car Shack and I will not be having a ‘conversation’.
I built my website for recruiters. That’s it. I wanted them to see my work.
Great article
It is true. These topics are dicussed wayyy too much.
If you would have
told marketing gurus a few years back that social media websites where going to
be where all the action was going be focused, they may have looked at you like
you were crazy. Today millions of people use social media sites on a daily
basis. These types of sites have such an incredibly consistent draw of users
that social marketing has turned into one of the hottest and most effective
ways to market your business.
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