Altitude Branding - Shaking Things UpI have the good fortune of being active on the social media and business speaking circuits, which means I run both practical workshops and deliver more high-level speeches on the topics that affect us on a day to day basis in these worlds.

That’s a cool thing. Most frequently, I’m asked to speak about:

  • Measurement & Metrics
  • Community Management
  • Social Media Execution
  • Why Social Media Matters

Those seem to be recurring topics that folks want practical instruction on, and I’m comfortable talking about them. That comfort, however, leads me to wonder whether there’s something else that isn’t being said. Topics that aren’t getting enough attention. Somewhere that I need to be stretching my ability to teach to have more impact.

We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know?

As Steve Jobs is quoted as saying, no one knew they needed the iPhone. So in some ways, I wonder if the conference attendees out there – many of you, probably – really know what is is they (we) are hungry for. Perhaps we know what we want to hear. The harder task? To identify the glimmers of the topics we can’t quite identify, but that we need to talk about.

I’m on the hunt to reframe some of the same old topics, and tackle some scary new ones. Things like reality checks on social media implementation and engagement. What it really takes to write great business content on the web today. The challenges and realities of building internal culture. The importance of creativity in business. Speaking the language of executives when you aren’t one.

Stuff like that. Things that aren’t directly step-by-step social media, but that can help us reframe ideas within social media and the business world that’s shifting around us.

Framing Ideas In Your Reality

So I’m going to ask you to weigh in, because when I’m out speaking, I’m speaking for your benefit. For you to walk away with something, hopefully fresh and new that helps you look at things differently. You pay good money to go to these events and hear these sessions, right?

I get that you can’t do that for me. The hard work is mine, and the burden is on me as the speaker to deliver great and valuable content. But I’m hoping you have a few thoughts you can share, or that have been burning in your mind when you go to events and think “I’m not sure I got something out of that.”

I hear plenty of people say what they didn’t dig from conference sessions, but I’m hoping all of you smart folks can offer something more concrete, or at least even messy glimpses at what you feel is missing on the circuit today, and what you do want to see. Maybe I’m prematurely jaded, and the topics above are still incredibly necessary and valuable. You tell me.

Lastly, if you’re going to hop in and ask for “case studies and practical examples”, I’m going to challenge you a step further and tell me why you want those case studies, and what precisely you want to learn from them. Otherwise, they’re as conceptual as any other content, because they’re not contexually relevant. So take care before you just tell me you need another one.

Want to Help Shake It Up?

I’m going to work on this regardless. But you, my friends and readers and colleagues, can sound off here too. Stay silent if you like, and leave it up to me. That’s okay, and I promise I’ll work hard to do you proud.

But if we’re all demanding more from this fishbowl of ours, it’s only fair of me to give you a voice in this, too. I’m waiting to hear from you. Dust off those opinions, and off you go.

image credit: TenSafeFrogs