Brass Tack Thinking - This is Just a BlogI’m not saving lives over here.

I am not a surgeon, or an oncologist, or a firefighter.

If my blog traffic slogs because I don’t have something riveting to say this week, it’s okay. The world will tick by, unfettered, not holding its breath wondering what happened to me.

And then…and THEN…

When I do have words, when I do have something to say that needs saying, when my mind is a flurry of fireworks and the words come tumbling out because they need and want to find life and breathe on the page, then I will write.

Or when I have something to teach. Something to share. A question I can answer. An idea I can explore. Then, I’ll write.

I don’t make my living based on my blog, so my job it is not. I want to see the cresting and falling waves on the analytics screen, the moments where all of you rise up around here and cheer, or contribute, or holler at me because something was worth talking about. And then when the tides ebb a bit, and all is a little more calm and quiet, I’m hopeful you’re out there finding something else to get excited about. It can’t be my turn all the time.

I work hard. I learn a lot. I cherish my blog here at Brass Tack Thinking because it’s my own intellectual and professional playground, my place to explore what things are yet unfound, what ideas need me to sit with them and talk for a while.

But it’s just a blog. And you, dear readers, I hope will be here in those moments when the thoughts are clawing their way to the surface, needing a place to land. Because I want to give you something that sparks, that challenges, that questions. You’re deserving of that.

Now. Go find something inspiring to read for today. When we have something important to talk about, I’ll be sure you have a seat right over here.

image credit: Jo Bourne