Brass Tack Thinking - There's No Newsletter HereWe don’t want to write a newsletter.

We’re just not passionate about putting content together in that form, on a regular basis. To us, it feels forced. Like we’re doing it to build The Almighty List because some day, we might want to market something to you. We’ve tried really hard to think up something that would be both fun to write and useful to you. But it’s just not….us. And right now, this is just a blog. If we’re marketing anything at the moment, it’s ideas.

They All say that we should. Because having that list of names is important should something like Twitter disappear. And because email is such a strongly preferred form of communication. And because email isn’t dead. That’s what They say.

Email isn’t dead to us. And we read some great ones that each of us sign up for. It’s just that right now, it’s not something we want to do as it relates to this blog. And we won’t phone it in.

So we Tacks will make a deal with you.

If this blog is important enough to you that you want to be sure we can keep in touch if The Twitter and The Facebook blow up tomorrow, let’s have your email in the form below. Or if you like, elect to subscribe to Brass Tack Thinking via email instead of RSS. That works, too.

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You won’t be getting a newsletter from us. It’s our In Case Of Emergency list to make sure that we can reconnect if the scaffolding of the internet comes down on us. And it’s up to you whether that idea strikes fear in your heart, or whether we’d both just tap the dust off of our hands and go on our way.

We won’t ever use it to do anything but tell you what’s up around here should some technological apocalypse occur. If we ever change our minds and want to write a newsletter because a brilliant, irresistable idea worthy of you and this little place over here hits us square in the noggin, we’ll use that email to tell you that and you can elect to stick around, or bail.

So, how’s that? I know, I know. We’re breaking the rules again. We never did care much for them, anyway.

Oh and DJ? Don’t hate.