My friend Geoff Livingston has penned what I think is a brilliant post today about personal branding. He rails against the fact that people are using “personal branding” as a substitute for contributing value to the business community.

There’s a big difference – albeit semantically a subtle one – between reputation and personal branding. To me, the former is substantive and earned based on your valuable contributions to business. And it comes only after you’ve added said value. The latter is a facade; scaffolding built to shore up what would otherwise be a very weak structure. It’s built deliberately as a marketing or promotional effort (versus the part of your individuality that’s inherently you).

You can argue the definitions of the words all you want, but the truth is that if you’re defining your “personal brand” in terms of your popularity instead of building a reputation built on making a difference to people and businesses, you’re letting everyone down – most notably yourself.

So go here and read Geoff’s post today. I’m trying to ensure that for all of you, the contributions I make to the community and your businesses comes first. Let me know how I’m doing.