Remember when the standard was to answer the telephone by the third or fourth ring? Or to return a call within 24 hours?
Responsiveness still wins the social media game, every time.
And it’s not about using fancy technology – we all know how much we love getting an automated system to take our phone call – but about putting human resources at the points of contact for the places where your customers are trying to find and talk to you. Because nothing – I repeat nothing – can demonstrate that you “get” being social as a business like simply being responsive, and being willing to dedicate the capital and people necessary to make that happen at scale to the best of your ability.
Of note: Responsiveness doesn’t always mean having the answer on the spot. Responsiveness simply means saying “I see you over there.” It’s acknowledging that you’ve heard and seen that someone is trying to reach you, and you’re reaching out in turn to let them know that you’re on it. That gesture alone means everything in social media, and while resolving a problem or a question is still the end game, simply being available and present is half the battle.
So what do I tackle first?
The timeframes below are certainly not scientific by any means, but they’re assembled from experiences with lots of companies of varying sizes, including the community team I’ve worked with for the past several years, and they seem to be ranges that work. Obviously your mileage will vary based on resources, your customers, and such, but it’s something for discussion.
The other thing that helps is to look at a triage type system for what to prioritize and when.
You’ll want to take negative comments or complaints first, because they have a short lifespan and your customer or prospect is already upset. Then you’ll want to tackle the rave reviews and glowing compliments, because those right there are your advocates in action, and your most powerful volunteer marketing and reputation vehicle.
Obviously you’ll need to use this magic thing called judgment when dealing with all the stuff in between. A general business question from your largest customer might not be a complaint, but if they represent a significant portion of your revenue, handling them with priority helps acknowledge that you realize that. Or an inquiry from a brand new prospect might be of average priority until they’ve been referred by the chairman of your board.
The reality is that some customers and situations do need to take priority over others. It’s always been so, and that’s okay. It’s not to say that one person or company is more worthwhile as a human or a business, but we have to make some subjective decisions in the moment.
Write some general guidelines, and publish them for your front line responders. When exceptions crop up, document them and discuss them in your team meetings regularly. Do some scenario planning and adjust your processes along the way. It’ll never be perfect, but it’ll help you sort out the anomalies and one-off exceptions from the more common situations.
Response Times: Some Guidelines
Email: If it’s a complaint or a problem, try to answer with at least an acknowledgement within 1-2 hours, with a statement of when you expect to have more information to relay. The outside window is within the same business day.
For most general business inquiries via email (or other message systems like LinkedIn or Facebook), 24 hours is typically an acceptable timeframe, but helps if you can communicate that somewhere – say, on the same profile or page where you post the proper email addresses – to set expectations for your customers and community.
Twitter: You’ve 5-10 minutes, 30 at the outside if you’re really doing it well. Yes. I know this sucks. But Twitter is the real-time fleeting stream of the internet, and very much like a new switchboard.
As long as mechanisms of this nature exist, whether Twitter itself or another iteration, we’ll need to wrap that kind of timeframe into our work like we’ve done the phone on our desks. It moves fast, and people gravitate to it knowing that and expecting fast response. Do you need to acknowledge every passing mention or retweet? Not necessarily.
But when people are seeking your attention specifically on Twitter these days, it’s likely they’ve tried another channel and not gotten the response they wanted (or expect that they won’t). Publish hours of operation in your bio if you like, but recognize too that if you have round the clock customer service in other channels, eventually Twitter or its equivalent will need to be part of that, too.
Facebook: Again, for complaints or negative comments, you’ll want to be on that within 30 minutes if you can. Questions or general customer service issues without urgency can probably wait an hour or two. Commenting on general conversation or comment streams can sit anywhere from within a few hours to within the business day.
Blogs and Forums: Blog or forum comments work a lot like Facebook; keep a steady eye on them. No, you don’t have to respond to every single comment unless that’s the precedent you want to set. But questions, complaints, or direct inquiries need your attention ASAP, but at least within the same business day.
Don’t forget, too, that when you ask people to submit information – be it a contact request, a subscription, a reservation – acknowledgement is a good thing. Confirmation emails with details of when they can expect to hear back from you, or with a reiteration of the details they’ve submitted. An SMS reply with links, directions, or relevant phone numbers. A DM to remind them that you’ll follow up via email. Again, the name of the game here is to say “We see you, and we’re here to respond.”
Success Is In Timeless Principles
With so many companies striving for some score, matrix, campaign or whatever to show that they’re successful in social, many are still missing the most simple tactic of all: Answer the phone when it rings. The phone has morphed and splintered, sure. We have more channels than we ever have.
But we as businesses need to be where our customers are, not always only where we’d like them to be. And our customers might be using different tools to get our attention right now, but we must learn to adapt to the way people communicate, whether it’s familiar to us or not.
Keep in mind too that because most of this is out in the open, it’s not just that single customer that’s watching, but the community at large, too. Your responsiveness sets a tone for the way you do business in general. And people do notice.
The expectations are already being set. It’s a challenge. It takes time, organization and resources. It takes revisiting policies and processes and infrastructure. It takes learning and smart testing and experimentation.
But it’s definitely happening. And you too can make a vast difference in the experience and first impressions your customers have with you online by simply making it a point, whenever you can, to say:
“We see you there.”
Best article I’ve read this week, Amber. When I saw your tweet (just containing the “your secret weapon for social media success” phrase), I asked myself what I would answer, and I said “Communication.” Glad to see I was on the ball. 🙂
Love that you say you don’t have to have an answer right away, too. I’m a big believer in not forsaking quality in these instances for speed. But you’re right, we DO have an obligation to get back to a complaint or question quickly with at least a “I don’t know right now, but I can find out for you and will get back to you by EOD.” Letting people know that they’re heard and we care about them is half the battle.
It also stops them from going off and ranting to 5,000 people five minutes before you were about to come to them with a complete answer to their question . . . five hours later. 😉
P.S. I like that “responsiveness” is more specific and accurate than “communication.” I believe I’ll use that word from now on.
Great stuff. I would also add to ‘responsiveness’ by saying that the communication should be appropriate to the situation. Be sensitive to the medium – I’ve seen snark in the twitterstreams of CSRs who should know better. Quirky plays well when you are talking among your peers face-to-face. When you’re using 140 characters, it is unwise to waste any of them on a witty comeback that will only add fuel to the flame. (United Airlines, “tossed salad/scrambled eggs tweet =
My apologies for the 404. When I posted into the message, it defaulted to the error page. The exchange was between United Airlines and Mena Trott. It should show on a google search.
“Answer the phone when it rings.” I just love this quote. You really have to pay closer attention to complaints and queries. If I would be one of those people who are very eager to find information and details about the product, I would say “unresponsiveness” is not cool at all.
Answer the phone when it rings– the simplest tactic but the one that provides relevant impact to your small business.
Great post. I would add: for heaven’s sake, respond via the appropriate channel. A week+ after I used our insurance co’s email contact mechanism to request help with a website issue, I got a form letter — by snail mail. I wanted to shake sense into someone.
Excellent! Acknowledging that someone has tried to make contact, whether you have what they need right now or not, is just the polite thing to do – whether in business or personal life. This is especially true in non-face-to-face channels because a tweet/email/status can get lost so easily in the inter-tubes. An acknowledgement at least lets the other party know that you’ve received the message. Whether you’ll do anything about/with it is another question, of course.
The time challenge is the number one reason I believe so strongly that all forms of online communication deserve someone dedicated to them – not just as a “piece” of their job. You can’t wait 4 hours to reply to a tweet during the say (if it’s sent late at night, I get that it takes until the next morning…). People don’t seem to realize the shelf life of online messaging…and that is why they lose the online battle.
Great article—I think I will share with a client who is doubting the significance of having a social media manager!!!
Great article Amber. I like the fact you say response time….not resolution time. Big difference.
But respond you must. Or watch your business die. Fast!
Hi Amber!
You are offering some great information here. Going beyond the expected issue of responding to your commentators but measurable and attainable ways to make that happen. Great job! My question would be how do YOU couteract the spammers! Do you have a timetable when you make action towards these posts?
Way overdone. If people expet a 1-2 hr response on an email, they may better call…. Or they are communicating with a permanently sitting desk jockey….. Wonder what kind of answer you would get…
Great points, as usual, Amber. I’ve become a fan of the way you clearly voice your opinions and advice from reading The Now Revolution, which is totally kicking ass so far. (hint.. other readers, get the book!)
I think responsiveness is king in a digital world, for sure. It makes all of the difference. I recently sent out an email to a couple close friends of mine asking them to list a couple of my strengths.
One of them said “You respond quickly on your website to comments and you make the commenter feel validated, by acknowledging their perspectives.”
People want to be acknowledged, and if we can keep that in mind, we’re already one step closer to having an arsenal of weapons for social media engagement.
I wholeheartedly agree. The other aspect that seems to get lost on businesses sometimes is that, by having an account/profile/beachhead on a particular social venue (FB, Twitter, forums) they are “putting the lights on” and making a de facto statement that someone is there. The worst thing you can do is have the lights on with no-one home. If you can’t manage the pace of the connections that come via a certain mechanism, then you just should not pretend to be there. Set the expectations up front appropriately, right?
Two words: Good manners. ‘nuf said. Great post Amber!
I called “responsiveness” in a previous post I wrote your “social media responsibiity” … As soon as you decide to get on the social media bus, you take on the responsibility of “being present NOW” … The responsibility of “answering the phone” as you simply put it!
Thanks for the great content Amber as usual.
I called “responsiveness” in a previous post I wrote your “social media responsibiity” … As soon as you decide to get on the social media bus, you take on the responsibility of “being present NOW” … The responsibility of “answering the phone” as you simply put it!
Thanks for the great content Amber as usual.
Jay and I were just talking about this last night. I was lamenting that Spin Sucks Pro hasn’t fully launched yet and that my issue isn’t that it hasn’t launched, but that there is no communication. He said his interative agency wasn’t successful because they had better designers or developers, but because they answered the phone. This isn’t social media success. This is business success.
blogs and forums are really a good media of increasing traffic..Yes you don’t need to answer every comments until and unless it is related to your subject But answer most of the comments so thet the users can take you genuine and you can become always updated.
Fascinating post exploring the continued importance of responsiveness. I wonder how many companies consider the
types of guidelines you suggest when creating policies about responding to
emails, tweets, etc?I wonder how many companies consider the
types of guidelines you suggest when creating policies about responding to
emails, tweets, etc?
Amber, great insight!
Its amazing to see that as social media continues to become an embedded part of business practices that social media etiquette has developed just as strongly. We try to respond similarly to these standards here at our agency. (
I pose a question to those who have read this post- For those organizations who currently don’t have a Social Media Manager position employed, would it be of greater overall value and cost to hire one on and put he/she on salary or outsource the responsibilities of social media engagement to a specialist?
Your Secret Weapon for Standout Social Media Success .Great post . Interesting post
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