You know why badly thought out social media bothers me so much? Why I resent someone treating my community as though it were that bad, crackly PA system in a discount store?

Because when I join a community, when I become part of it, these people are my friends. No, I’m not claiming that I “know” them all at a deep level (though some I do), but they’re personal connections that I’ve worked hard to forge. I’ve built up trust. I’ve encouraged these people to connect to *each other*, too, and make friends within the circles we share.

And I would never invite a craptastic Ginsu knife salesman to my party to shill crap to my friends when what we really want to do is hang out, talk, get to know each other better. I’m protective of my friends on Twitter or Facebook or my professional connections on LinkedIn, and if some misguided individual or company shows up and wrecks the party and makes all my friends pick up their ball and go home, now they’ve ruined the experience for me, too, since I’ll be devoid of their company.

It’s also why I wish the people behind the brands would get involved in these communities at least a little bit on their own personal level. Because nothing can explain the diversity, fun, insight, camraderie and collective widsom of a community like wading in waist deep and having a look around. Nothing like opening your eyes to the business possibilities of this stuff by viewing things through an individual spyglass.

So I’m sorry if I get a little crabby and impatient sometimes about the ones who are so obviously missing the point. I embrace the idea of education and patience and leading by example, so that’s what I’m going to continue to strive for. I’ll head back to my office, thump my noggin against the bookcase a few times to clear my head, and come back refreshed and ready to start from the beginning.

WonderTwin powers, activate! Form of…a kind, understanding, endlessly patient sherpa guiding others up the moutain.