There are so, so many examples of what’s wrong with social media. Where it’s falling short. What we can’t prove. The risks and obstacles.

But there’s so much right about this.

We are giving voices to people that have none.

We’re amplifying the voices of the many and the harmed to strengthen our resolve.

Companies are looking at their customers as people and ideas more than ever before. (Dell)

Walls are coming down. Things are being built.

We are forging connections with people who have changed our lives for the better, and often only through a bunch of wires.

We can collectively experience and share hope.

Brilliance is uncovered around every corner, and the most unlikely places.

We are linked, intertwined, diverse, passionate, and full of potential to change the world as we know it.  Those changes may be small or enormous, but they matter just the same.

Today when someone wrinkles their noses at you about why you care so much about this, I encourage you to find something positive to say. Teach them something new. See beyond what’s in front of your nose. Share with them your experiences, as an individual or a business.

If what’s happening around us now isn’t an indication of what’s *right*, I don’t know what is.