This week’s handwritten posts are part of the Power to the Pen project, and I’ve got some nifty pens and a small check for my time and handwriting. It’s been a super fun project, and I appreciate Pilot Pen for including me!
This week’s handwritten posts are part of the Power to the Pen project, and I’ve got some nifty pens and a small check for my time and handwriting. It’s been a super fun project, and I appreciate Pilot Pen for including me!
Totally off point/topic, but I love your handwriting!
These notes are a nice break for reflection. Thanks.
And you know what sucks? Finding a grammatical error in your own post, but a *handwritten* one. That would be “you’re”. Ah well. Even the grammar snots get busted once in a while.
I too prefer using “moving on” to “giving up’ or ‘quitting’. The words we choose to use have far more power to ourselves and others than we care to acknowledge. They define our intentions, emotional state/attitude and indicate our likelihood of success – choose wisely.
BTW – your innate creativity shows in your handwriting and gives me increased confidence in the lessons you share with us. Thank you!
I really like the point you’re making here. You’ve made it sound so simple but it’s often overlooked. Take small businesses, for example. Most business owners are trying to do everything themselves, or they have a very small staff to help them. When you feel like you have to do everything, you can easily get caught up in trying to redesign a website, write a blog post every day, make 5 sales calls a day and oh, don’t forget about customers. No wonder so many entrepreneurs burn out quickly and say they can’t seem to meet their business goals. Giving up is also about finding what really matters and just focusing on that. Focus on building relationships with existing customers and growing sales. That’s really it. Trying to be everything makes you mediocre to everyone. Give up on trying to be everything and just do a few things better than anyone else.
Absolutely agree and needed to hear this although I know it to be true. Thanks Amber
I can’t tell you how much I needed to read this.
Love this!
Wow! It took me twice as long to read this as it would have been as computer text.
Amen. Sometimes cutting your losses and moving on is the best way to honor your self. Holding on for the sake of holding on, or for the sake of “what others will think” is just stupid. First of all, no one is thinking all that much about you, and second, when you are 90 you won’t celebrate your “holding on” as much as the adventure your life has been. Another old cliché says, “you can’t grab the next rung until you let go of the last one.”
Great handwriting too! Congratulations!