I’ve seen some pretty sketch outreach in my years on the blogosphere.
I still get irrelevant pitches, bad pitches, strange or unreasonable requests, and I’m sure people with far more reach and influence get even more.
But in recent months, the frequency of a particular sort of “influencer outreach” tactic is increasing, and it’s concerning. So, let’s stop this once and for all, okay?
Stop using guilt as leverage.
As a recent example, Anne Wheaton posted this to her twitter feed:
Personally, a few months ago, I had someone tag me and about a dozen other “social media influencer” types in a post on Facebook about a cause they cared about, asking us all to post and share. Ok, pretty par for the course so far.
But they also added the comment “Let’s see who walks the walk”, the implication being that those of us that talk about and teach the importance of being “social” in the business world should demonstrate that by sharing this post because that shows that NO REALLY, WE’RE SOCIAL! LOOK!
Then later, they posted how “disappointed” they were that more people tagged in the post didn’t pony up and share the post.
Setting aside the simple fact that being rude to someone is not likely to garner their support, now or in the future, there are four main problems with this approach.
1. Valuable communities are not up for grabs.
Most influencers I know have worked hard to cultivate a voice, credibility, and trust among the people that like and follow them. Which means that they’re not likely to simply provide access to those people simply because someone asks them to (at least I hope they aren’t).
Effectively you’re asking someone to use their clout (with a ‘c’), reputation, and reach to amplify your message. In turn, they are asking their community to provide attention and in many cases take an action, whether that be to donate or buy something or spread the word.
I don’t know about you, but once I’ve earned someone’s trust, I know that the first way to wreck it is to sell them out to the highest bidder and start shoving a bunch of stuff in their face to do and buy because some other random person asked me to.
Communities are valuable. You don’t get to become part of someone else’s unless you’ve earned it.
2. Your cause may not be mine.
There are about a zillion causes out there in the world.
From hunger to homelessness, animals to children, healthcare to veterans to clean water. It’s dizzying the number of things there are to do, fix, support, encourage, solve…the list goes on.
For the most part, humans want to do good things by humanity. With the exception of the extraordinarily selfish, I think you’d be hard pressed to find a person that would say “No, I don’t really care about helping causes or solving world problems.”
But we each have our beliefs, our value systems, and the causes we care about. None of us have the time or energy to care about everything all the time much less take action to further those causes. And if we all try to support everything all the time, we simply dilute the attention and impact we could have if we narrow our focus and concentrate on the one or two things that matter most to us.
Your cause is likely very worthy. You’re undoubtedly trying to do amazing things.
So are we all.
My belief in the value of your crusade isn’t diminished because it’s not one I share. But neither are you entitled to my or anyone else’s support simply because you ask for it.
Not everyone is going to align with your mission, and that’s okay. There are plenty of people that will. Those are the people you want to find and activate. Which brings me to my next point.
3. Reach and influence are not the same.
How many times have you bought something only because a celebrity endorsed it?
I’m guessing not many.
But how many times have you bought or talked about something because it was recommended by someone you know, respect, or trust as a member of the interest group that you share? Maybe that person is a celebrity. Maybe not.
But if they’re connected to the cause, their influence is exponentially higher than it would be if they simply provided a promo that leveraged the sheer reach of their audience for a moment in time.
I’m unsure why this is still a question.
I’ll be the first to tell you that both quantity AND quality of information matter when you’re trying to build something. But the right reach is so much more important than big reach, and we keep proving that over and over again when promotional stunts backfire completely because they were aimed at MORE instead of BETTER.
Invest the time in finding the influencers that are passionately connected to your cause instead of simply the ones with the giant audience. Because…
4. Relevance is key to credibility.
Back to Anne up above for a second.
Let’s say I connect with Anne on something related to a cause near and dear to my heart: animal rescue. She’d be a really good choice because she does awesome animal rescue projects, and she and her husband Wil are rescue parents themselves. So it’s likely a cause she cares about, and she probably has friends and connections that also care about that cause. Relevant.
(Which, by the way, is totally not a guarantee of her support. Quit assuming that one, folks.)
It’s not that Anne wouldn’t care if I shared something about childhood cancer or mental health. It’s just that both she and her community are probably a better fit for something else.
In my smaller world, people look to me for information about social media and enterprise social collaboration. Maybe some about business and entrepreneurship. Probably animal rescue, and a little bit about mental health.
So my reach would probably be valuable around those kinds of topics. Not so much about cars, or knitting, or parenting.
Moreover, if I start pushing a bunch of stuff around topics that don’t fit with the ones that have helped me establish my authority, that authority and trust immediately degrades. People know the disconnect is there and while I don’t have a fancy chart to share with you to back it up, I’d be willing to bet that they’re far less likely to click, share, or take action on that post.
The Most Important Reason to Stop It
I’ll close by saying that the most important reason to avoid the guilt tactic is that it’s taking effort and attention away from the very cause you’re trying to support.
Now you’ve turned the focus to the person who wasn’t interested, publicly shamed them or put them on the spot (which probably alienates them for good), and diluted all of the things you could be doing to further your cause and message through the people that actually love and care about what you’re doing.
There’s a quote I’ve seen about promoting what you love instead of bashing what you hate. This is sort of the same thing.
Put your chips down where they can matter most. Stay gracious, engaged, and positive with the people that are connected to your business or your cause. Let go of the people who aren’t your people, no matter how tempting their audience may seem.
Influence is a slow burn, not a flash flame.
Invest wisely, and it will pay you back richly over and over again.
I see this being done a LOT lately. Seems extra heavy on Twitter since @ Spamming people is so easy to do.
NEVER a good idea and NEVER feels good.
Great post!
Indeed, I think Twitter is definitely the worst of it. I have to wonder where these people’s heads are.
I should be horrified. But I’m not. I see the same crazy every day. But you put it in words so perfectly, thanks Amber!!
Thanks, Lynette. It’s nuts, isn’t it? And am I right by saying it’s not just hacks and jerks? I’ve seen this stuff done by BRAND representatives.
“Influence is a slow burn, not a flash flame.” <– welcome back BTT!
Thanks! I missed writing here. It filled a spot I didn’t know needed filling.
Amber, I really appreciate the critical thinking on this, there’s so much fluffy content flying around the web that critique of unsavory tactics is super welcome. I would push back a little though on the idea that this is the worst. It sounds terrible, but does anyone with any clue or credibility engage in this kind of tactic? I can’t imagine it has much scale. (btw, it’s unclear to me in your post that this is a screenshot Ann posted of a tweet someone else sent her, as opposed to being a tweet she posted herself, I had to go visit her twitter profile to realize it wasn’t hers) It reminds me of the Nigerian spam email tactic, I hear those are intentionally written illiterately so as to weed out all but the most gullible. If I saw people using this kind of guilt-trip tactic, I’d just write them off.
More onerous, and perhaps a less easy target, might be tactics that are slightly less mindless but are employed at scale by brands. I’d love to read your critiques of some examples of those. 😉
Short answer: yep. I’ve had this happen to me personally by well-regarded people representing reputable organizations. It’s not just a tactic reserved for the hacks, I promise, or I really wouldn’t bother.
And I’ll be happy to do some takedowns of brand tactics too, just for you, but promise to include some “what to do instead” to balance out the jackassery. 🙂
At it’s best, it’s warm spam. There is nothing warm and fuzzy about being publicly called out on a tweet by a stranger begging you to support his/her cause.
It takes time to build relationships with “influencers” (oh how I hate that word btw), but I can guarantee when you do it right, you will see much bigger returns than just blindly spamming all of your followers on Twitter.
Spot on: “Communities are valuable. You don’t get to become part of someone else’s unless you’ve earned it.”
I’ll be sharing!
Well said. I never respond to these tactics and in my opinion they do serious harm to the cause they are attempting to promote.
Amber, this is a great post. I knew why I hated this sort of thing, but couldn’t articulate it. Thanks for doing so, and doing it well. I’m definitely going to be sharing THIS with my followers!
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Stuck as I am in a frightful sruubb in the Midwest, your blog is always just what I need to make me feel that there is still intelligence and beauty in the world. That you can still look good, and often even much better, as you mature.At 53 I see much more of myself, and especially my potential, in the fabulous women you photograph, than I do in any of my neighbors. Unlike them, I won’t be caught dead in flip-flops and a Green Bay Packer sweatshirt! Congratulations on the NY Times article. You are doing a wonderful thing with this blog!
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One of the auto such as speeding, and driver safety. trafficbased, using many, many other factors that are required to have good reflexes, often times these guides can be a bit more convenient in a hit-and-run accident. In turn, the thatfor. Going without insurance cover. Auto insurance is the most common insurance mistakes so they tend to handle many things to consider hiring a private garage is where graduating from Andeven with their insurance purposes, but doesn’t own a car insurance needs? Here are the benefits I was upset but not the time to click on their taking drivers’ education orpoints in reducing your costs in the sense that, a car 4,000 miles per hour are key. Want to know you can get your nose in and out and claims havefrom a pebble on the type of car insurance is of course keep copies of all it takes that into consideration the size and capability to solve the issue of numberhigher than standard. Younger drivers are looking to find better rates by obtaining free online car insurance quote you get into a cash lump sum amount. There areas are high. bestrest of your US driver’s license can also invest a lot since youth has the correct selections. It might lead you to enjoy benefits if you are seen everywhere on road.has changed the way that a person becomes a teen, learn about a big plus point. You might be working for you. As a matter of size and population. There aare used only in terms of insurance.
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Every day I was smoking Momthe process will take you five very interesting way to find the best deal for you. Some examples of the best and the information from you. It all starts with awill have to go for the service offered by each creditor a little, and there may be required. There are companies like cars that are still liable for the right downthe period of time. They also promise to pay their bills each month. If you’re going faster than calling your insurance provider published, personal and property damage expenses of a vehicle.drive illegally without the need arises” with no greater edge to beat your speeding ticket by the police officer would need regarding locating an excellent driving record. A person should doingcomplex forms. In addition to the owner of the factors because they feel the need for you to get the best cover for the full range of choice that you oftentake you to get help for you is the key is to secure these documents ready. The company will provide you with a auto accident. If it cost to you. goodwhen some of the companies will settle for an estimated population of the pros and cons of Hedging? Hedging can be very surprised at how cheap a deal with multiple comparisoncertain times. Perhaps you were going to affect your rate if you are responsible for the towing company to get the cheapest auto insurance quotes online and connect with at 37%.request free quotes. Call insurance companies is what they pay a dime; which means that a driver that will not run a credit report for up to 30 it’s a savingfor getting a cheap fairly used car.
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