I popped off the other day a little bit of a snarky comment in the midst of my annoyance at automated online presence.
Here’s me, enjoying the sunshine and warmth of a beautiful Mother’s Day, lingering in bed with my kiddo and flipping through a magazine and the internet. Then my peace is broken by a bunch of obviously auto-posted links to yet more articles about social media stuff and getting more clicks or money or something. So I tweeted:
“It’s okay to take a day off from trying to get clicks, for crying out loud. The stream of auto posts just makes me nuts sometimes.”
Yeah I know. There I go being all crabby and preachy again.
So let’s back up for a second. Here’s what I consider “automated” stuff:
- Sharing a constant stream of links through something like Triberr
- Using Buffer or a similar tool to schedule posts
- Using a cross-posting tool to post the same thing to Twitter, FB, LinkedIn, Pinterest, whatever…simultaneously
- Auto-posting stuff from the RSS feeds you read every time they publish a new post
But as with anything else, I need to rein myself in a bit here and apply a bit of temperance and context. [I can be a little hotheaded. I know you’re shocked.]
Automation has its uses, times and places, and it’s not inherently evil.
I understand and have experienced the difficulties of trying to, say, scale a corporate team of people responding to customers, sharing content, and doing it all masterfully. I also know that sometimes we as individuals have day jobs, but we don’t want to forget to share that amazing article on neurology that we ran across during our insomniac reading at 2 a.m.
So here are my points of qualification.
I think scheduling has it’s place in the world, so I need to retract my absolute blanket statement of distaste. I’ve used automation myself, with care I’d like to think. So I’m a hypocrite but I do have a point here.
Matt and I might find a bunch of articles that we think are relevant to our clients and audience, but we don’t want to bombard everyone with fifteen tweets in a row, so we’ll go ahead and use something like Buffer or Tweetdeck’s schedule function to distribute them throughout the day. That makes sense to me.
We’re also not trying to be everywhere at once. We know what social platforms we’re focusing on and to what degree, so we’re not panicky about PUT ALL THE THINGS EVERYWHERE because we know that’s not an effective strategy. We’re a B2B, higher end consultancy and we’re just not going to get a bunch of relevant traction by blasting the internet full of link-laden holes. Volume isn’t our game, and never will be. The point is to spread out focused content, not just to keep bombarding the web with stuff to click on.
Individually, for every hundred or two hundred tweets I post, one might be an article I schedule because I want to remember to share. I never feed my tweets into Facebook or blast out a bunch of duplicate content to all the networks. If you see me on the web, it’s me, and the chances are 99% that I’m right there, typing.
It goes back to intent. Again.
The key for me, personally, as to whether or not I give my rubber stamp of approval to occasionally flipping the auto-post switch is whether it’s balanced by a deliberate, purposeful presence that demonstrates some kind of intent to be responsive and personally involved.
Occasionally, I want to know that you – the human – is on the other end of the keyboard, whether you’re an individual or representing a brand. I want to talk with you about the article you posted. I want to banter about whether my Bears are going to lose this week, even if that’s a short conversation. I want to say hi and see what’s new with you and your business.
There are also times when automated stuff just comes off a little funky. On a holiday. In the midst of a national disaster or a sobering crisis, or even a major happy event. It’s at those moments when cranking out the “8 Ways To Make A Better Pinterest Board” stuff just reads out of context and — dare I say it — oblivious or insensitive. There’s an off switch to these things, and you need to sometimes use discretion about when to flip it.
Yes, this is just my taste. Yes I can unfollow people (and do) to apply my own filters when it gets to be too much. So there’s no right answer for everyone, and I’m sure many of you can argue with me about why automating your links gets you more clicks and better exposure and more availability to do other things that are important to do with your time.
I think that’s great, but know that there are people out there like me that are really hoping that you’re still out there somewhere, clacking away on your keyboard, ready to reply and chat. Maybe that matters to you. Maybe it doesn’t, and you’re in it solely for the end game. But for me, if it’s important to do, it’s important enough to do personally.
After all, how else will I know how truly charming and fascinating you are?
Jay Cutler is my God and Matt Forte the bringer of His message.
I tried a scheduled tweet once, and it popped up two days later when I was in the midst of a wacky discussion about floss. I didn’t remember scheduling it, and thought someone had hacked my account. You know… because everyone wants to own that floss discussion.
I think sharing things at a less manic rate than you discover them is a solid use of scheduled tweets. Also, for brand community managers who share content in the midst of responding to customers, it’s nice not to have to think about anything but customer service in that moment — auto-tweeting gets the job done without chaos.
The cross-posting drives me bananas for the most part, though I admit to double-sharing Instagrams at times. But the Twitter to Facebbok, Facebook to Twitter, Twitter and Facebook to LinkedIn, Pinterest to Twitter and Facebook, Google Reader to everywhere, etc. feels like you’re pushing content for the sake of looking active everywhere / “building your presence”. If I’m going to share the same link or article in a few places, I’m going to add context for the folks there who might be interested, rather than going one size fits all.
It’ll sound preposterous coming out of the mouth (fingertips?) of someone who works for a strategy firm, but I feel like obvious strategy is obvious… and then ceases to be of strategic value.
You have given me food for thought. I read over 400 blogs a week (blogs, not posts, I have no clue on posts!) and have recently realized that I am not doing a good job of sharing and promoting the posts so I have started re-tweeting them conscientiously but by using Hootsuite so that they are spaced out and I am not spamming people. I think because I am actually reading all these posts and usually adding my own comment when I retweet that this will be perceived by my community as a good thing, but it is definitely an experiment. I am all about trying out experiments, reviewing and measuring them for impact and pissed-offedness (making up words here!) before continuing my efforts. I am interested to see how it goes from my side and what people’s reactions are. Thanks for your thoughts on this, it added color to what I have been musing over!
Nothing (can I say NOTHING) pisses me off more than seeing 24-hour “feeds” going on. When do you sleep? I KNOW that’s not YOU! I also share a high volume of content and use scheduling, but it’s for the reason you cite — not wanting to dump links on my audience. Here’s my attestation: if you’re going to be a feed, setup a feed account. If you’re going to be a human, act like one. *climbs off soapbox, drinks more coffee*
As you know, I use scheduled posts somewhat frequently. So I’ll argue with you 😉 . My usage of them is pretty straightforward. Contrary to popular belief I am not ‘always on’ where social media is concerned, I am however ‘very available’ in that I get notifications when someone replies to me and can and do typically respond within an hour or two at most.
Scheduling allows me two things. 1) I tend to go through others posts in batches. I don’t want to shove all those posts down everyones throats by sharing at once however so I use Buffer to spread them out. That has the side benefit of giving me the appearance of being active even when I’m not. Those aren’t my posts, and they aren’t selling anything. They’re just good curated content. 2) For my own posts I typically try and spread them about 3 times a day for the first 2 days on Twitter, once on Facebook, and twice on LinkedIn. I always get caught up with something else though so I tend to schedule those.
Seems to me some good rules of thumb you’re bringing up here regarding posting of any kind (auto or otherwise) are:
-Don’t post things with explicit calls to actions for your service/product/event during a time which could be considered inappropriate (a well-known death, etc. which may be the focus of most of your followers attention at that moment). That requires being aware, and pausing scheduled posts like this if you happen to use them, or just having a conscience if you don’t use them.
-Don’t post a lot of things all at once (unless you’re Chris Penn and you’ve carved out a nice little niche for doing just that in a valuable way)
-Don’t be unavailable to respond to queries about things that you’ve posted
-Don’t auto-post from RSS feeds (that’s just stupid for a whole list of other reasons, but topping that list would be that you have no control over what comes down that RSS feed..including if the feed was hacked. Always control your content)
I think the things that drive you crazy derive from one or more of those rules more than just ‘auto-posting’, a better title to this post..and almost all of mine ..might be “Don’t be an idiot”. I think scheduled posts are having to pay the price for others bad behavior. And it’s not fair I tell you! It’s not the gun, it’s the bullet. Wait, it’s not the bullet it’s the impact. Wait, guns don’t kill people, the shutting down of internal organs does. Wait… I don’t know, I’m sure there’s some kind of witty metaphor that applies.
What Matt said. 🙂
No but seriously, I believe scheduling posts -as everything in life- can be used for good or for bad. I also schedule posts sometimes, for some of the reasons already explained by others (wanting to share content without oversharing dozens of tweets in a row, etc).
What I do though, is not only schedule postings and let them be, but pay close attention to any reactions (Replys, retweets) and personally engage with those. I always thank every RT and engage with every reply.
Best regards.
I am so with you:)
I’ve got the “tools” in my toolbox to automate, but to be perfectly honest, I’ve not used one of them. When I’m on, I’m on. The only thing I’ve scheduled is a blog post, and usually that’s for the following day, because I write when the muse strikes. I got nuthin’ in the hopper.
I’ve been online for a year and a bit, and I’ve been “live and in person” throughout. I no longer want to sustain that level of intensity, but it’s been a great education, and I wouldn’t be where I am if I hadn’t been where I’ve been. It’s been quite the ride, and I’m happy to say: I’ve learned from it. I’ve adjusted. I continue to adjust. But 9 times out of 10, when I’m online, I’m on and in person. I said in a comment over at Bill Dorman’s post today: I’m not SEO focused (yes, I know that’s anathema to say…and I don’t even know if I used that word correctly, despite looking it up, haha), keyword savvy or analytics awesome. I’m just me, writing from the heart, hoping to touch other hearts and heads with something of (over-used word here) value. Cheers! Kaarina
I agree Amber, there’s a place and time for some auto-posting in this social media world. I see it as pre-planning and smart outsourcing in a sense. You know you want to deliver quality info and updates but you don’t need to do everything live so pick your sources carefully, time your tweets so you don’t overload people and take a day off when you need knowing you’re still delivering to your community
hmm there is a perfection in this website nice keep on continuing will be back again to ur site
free job posting
thanking you
Almost Buffered your post today…held off…just for you.
As with everything, typically, it is best if in moderation and with a dash of common sense.
I hate it when you follow a couple of accounts because they look interesting In some cases they are marketing tweets as a man and the same update will then appear as a woman. Bizarre why do it?
As for myself, when I see a tweet that
I liked and replied to it to strike a conversation, I would be a bit sad if I get
a reply after about after a few hours, and realize that I just talked to a feed
and not a real live person. I miss the
days when I am sure that I am talking to someone and not having to guess
whether I really am or not.