Brass Tack Thinking - On FearlessnessYou probably look up to someone that seems like they’re fearless.

Someone that kicks your ass, tells you to bravely take on the world, looks from your side like they can face and conquer just about anything. They’re tough, they’re ferocious, they’re intimidating. I’ve been called all of those things, and as a matter of fact, it’s the number one negative thing that’s come up on performance reviews in my past: “She scares me. She seems like she’s tough as nails.”

But I get motivation from people like that, too, from the people that seem like they’re a million times more courageous than I am. We admire what we perceive as strength and fortitude in a world that seems like it’s always trying to take us out at the knees.

People like Julien Smith. Or Carol Roth. Or Brian Clark. All of whom look like they can take on the world with one hand while they juggle knives with the other and make it look not only easy, but FUN and the way that all of us are capable of doing it.

I have news for all of you.

I can’t speak for Julien. Or Carol. Or Brian. But I can tell you from my experience…

Fear is critical. We all have it.

Even the ones that look like they regularly jump out of planes or off cliffs or dive into the crazy fray of the world without a second thought.

Fear is part of the game. And it’s essential. Me? I’m scared a lot.

What separates the doers from the dreamers, however, is what they do with that fear. Many people from John Wayne to Dan Rather have been credited with a version of this quote, which I think is absolutely the truth:

Courage is about being afraid, and doing it anyway.

We all seem to think and hope that there are “fearless” ones that are out there that can bring us to center, show us what it is to overcome, but guess what? We are those people. We’re the ones that find equilibrium through our chaos. It’s always been so. And we all somehow even each other out.

Being personal, being scared, is often vilified as being too vulnerable. Too exposed. Where our weaknesses can be discerned and therefore used against us.

And I defy that.

Because being fallible, being vulnerable IS what being human is all about. You, too, are amazing even when you think the entire world is different than you are. When you think that no one must understand at all because they’re so much more brave than you are, so much more willing to take the risks that scare you to death.

They’re scared too. I promise. Which is what makes them good, and hungry, and tenacious. When you’ve faced down the worst case scenario and realize you can live with it, nothing seems impossible.

You too have something worth representing, worth believing in, worth taking a deep breath for and going after. Fear isn’t your enemy, it’s your muse. And you can be every bit as fearless as the people you admire.

Ready? It’s your turn. Deep breath. Now go.