Altitude Branding - Social Media From the TrenchesMy friend and colleague Jason Keath was kind enough to invite me to speak at the Social Fresh event in Portland next week. And in so doing, we talked a bit about what topic might make sense to discuss, outside of the typical stuff.

At nearly every event I attend, I hear people asking what it’s really like to execute social media programs. What it’s like to be in the trenches, on the front lines of social media, and the realities of that. For me, they want to know more about the detail of what I’m doing than the theory behind it.

So that’s what we’re going to talk about. And I got to thinking that in addition to a good topic for a conference session for marketers – after all, many of them are trying to understand what they’re really getting into here – it might make a good post series or video series or an ebook or something.

But I do this every day. So do many of you. Some of you are just starting, some of you are seasoned veterans. So I need your help figuring out what we need to address if we’re going to talk turkey about what it’s like to live and breathe social media programs. Stuff like:

  • What goals are you setting for your social media efforts, and where are you expecting them to impact the business?
  • What are you measuring?
  • Who are you reporting to, and what are you telling them?
  • What other areas of the business does social media touch? How do you coordinate with them?
  • How are you managing and allocating your time?
  • How are you scaling social media execution inside your teams or organizations?
  • What roles and responsibilities are part of your execution?
  • How are you dealing with the ugly stuff, like critics and detractors?
  • Are you establishing social media guidelines, and what’s in them?

That’s just a start, but I want to hear from you. It’s more than a single session’s worth of content, of course, but I think some of these things are worth addressing individually in future content. And as I continue to move the discussion here beyond social media, I want to cover some of the foundational and front-line topics here that make up the nuts and bolts to build on.

So if this were a session you were going to attend, or some content you were going to read, what would you want to talk about and address? I’d really love to know what answers you’re still looking for.

And hey, if you’re going to be in Portland on Monday, come on by Social Fresh and let’s chat about it in person.

What say you?