I’m having a hard time with this post, because it feels like I’m focusing on me. But really, when it comes down to it, the goal of this is a better focus on you. So I hope you’ll read, and take a moment to share your thoughts either in the comments, or via a private feedback email to me if you’d prefer. Especially if you’ve never commented or sent a note before, please lend your voice to this.

The full boat changes are a few months out yet, but Altitude Branding is about to evolve. The business I started over a year ago doesn’t really exist anymore (since I have an awesome job instead), and the focus of my work has moved away from branding and more toward the practical application of social media and community in a business context. So the blog will change to reflect that in 2010, both in terms of the URL and the look and feel. I’m excited, but I also need to be sure the future of this blog isn’t what I think it should be, but rather reflects what you, as a community need it to be.

I’ve done some significant research – both qualitative and quantitative – to figure out where this blog and my work fits into the bigger conversation, and how you – and the social media and business community at large – are making use of what I create here. This is what I found:

  • You come here for guidance on social media first and community management second, with an emphasis on practical application from the trenches and tackling some of the questions and issues you can’t find answered elsewhere.
  • Many of you end up here through social networks or links here from other blogs, and some of you bring your friends back. Not too many of you are finding the blog through random searches on Google.
  • I could do a better job of giving you maps to other relevant content here or elsewhere that applies to what you’re looking for. Better information architecture, so to speak.
  • You’ve asked for more content and information on how social media really works inside a company, with examples and step-by-step approaches. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
  • You don’t come here for deep analysis of trends, reviews, or information on tools and technology related to social media.

So here’s what I need from you, the people that I do this all for in the first place:

  • Do those findings seem consistent with what brings you here?
  • No matter how you got here to start with, what keeps you coming back? What’s different here than elsewhere?
  • What kinds of requests from friends, colleagues, or business associates would cause you to recommend this blog? Have you recommended it, and in what context?
  • When it comes to seeking out more information about how social media and community apply to your work, what would you or do type into Google to find it (outside of this blog)?

I don’t like surveys much, because they assume I’m asking the right questions. So if I’ve left out something that you think I ought to consider when making this blog a resource for you, please speak up. Tell me what works, and don’t be afraid to tell me what you wish we’d do more of here together.

Jay Baer paid me a great compliment recently when he said that this blog feels like a group project, and I want that more than anything. So I hope you’ll help me build the next home for this blog collectively. It’s not much value without you here.

Thanks in advance for your input. And I promise you’ll be the first to know what’s changing and when. I appreciate your being here.

photo credit: mindfulness

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