It’s been said over and over that we all have the same 24 hours, and it’s how we choose to use them that differentiates us.

I, personally, don’t know a single person who complains about having too much time on their hands.

There will always be someone with more flexibility, freedom, resources, something. Are you the one to lament your disadvantages, or find ways to reclaim your hours?

My inspirational and tell-it-straight friend Chris Penn put up a post this morning that echos many of the sentiments I’m having. So instead of beating the horse, I’m just going to tell you to go read what he said. He probably said it better anyway.

You can run up against obstacles in your path, and sit there and gripe about their presence. Or you can use that time and energy to find a way around them, over them, through them.

Thanks to Chris for always managing to say what needs to be said.

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