I’m a huge animal lover. I have two rescue dogs, two rescue cats, and would probably have a houseful if only I had acreage.

But I cannot watch the ASPCA commercial that’s been on the air now for several months. (I’m embedding it below, but I warn you that it’s hard to watch, and might be near impossible if you’re an animal lover. I had to stop it playing on YouTube just so I could copy the link. If you’re sensitive, might just skip it and take my word for it.)


It’s been running on the Food Network, which is a favorite TV destination of mine. This whole thing is awful to me for two big reasons.

1) Food Network is losing a viewer on a regular basis, because every time the commercial comes on, I switch channels. And often I forget to switch back. This morning, I’ve switched three times in the last hour, and I now will not go back for fear of running into this spot again.

2) The ASPCA has gone past the line of sympathy and empathy, and crossed into anguish. If I can’t watch the commercial because of how distressing it is, I’m not going to be compelled to stay tuned and give. It’s causing the opposite reaction – complete avoidance, despair, helplessness. That’s not what they’re after I’m sure. And I’ve heard from literally dozens of people who won’t watch the commercial either. Are they giving?

Tugging at heartstrings might have it’s place in advertising, marketing, fundraising – emotional appeal is a cornerstone of strong messaging, and I understand the motivation. But I think there’s a line. I’d be much more likely to get online and give if I saw a spot full of success stories – happy animals moving on to bigger and better lives after being rescued by the ASPCA. Instead, I’m afraid to head to their site lest I be bombarded with horrific images of mistreated animals all over again.

I *know* what the ASPCA does – I’m not ignorant of the mistreatment of animals, it’s harsh reality, and the great strides the ASPCA is making to combat it. But seeing it in all of its brutal reality isn’t making me more likely to get closer to their organization.

So what do you think? Is this spot too extreme for you, or do you think this is just the right message? Are you motivated to give, or to change the channel?

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