Way back in March this year, I finally got to meet my friend Dave Murray in person, in Detroit. Dave and I had chatted several times online through various channels, but never had the chance to sit down and share some words in person.

Boy, I had no idea what I was in for.

The night before the Module Conference in Detroit, a pile of speakers and such went out for dinner at a fabulous Lebanese restaurant (whose name, of course, escapes me). The food was great. The conversation was hysterical.

I was lucky enough to sit next to Dave, who shared a completely and utterly hilarious story that involved a shoe and some Jagermeister. I won’t out Dave here with all the details of the story, but suffice it to say anyone who’s experienced a little nuttiness in college would relate. The best part was Dave’s storytelling. He has a knack for timing and facial expression, and a nearly-deadpan delivery laced with just enough self deprecation to be perfect. In short, he’s phenomenally funny.

The whole lot of us at the table just rolled with laughter, and since March, that story has come up more than once in conversation. And I’m grateful that Dave and his delightful wife Jenni have become good friends and people I’m just glad to know.

So late last week when I retrieved a box from my post office, I was curious to see Dave’s name on the return address. And I couldn’t imagine what was inside. It was an awfully big box for a holiday card.

The picture here is what was in the box. I’m told the other shoe made its way to another friend who shared in the joke. (And incidentally, Dave had to tell the post office he was mailing snow globes to get the booze in the mail. Awesome.) I absolutely and utterly laughed my face off. And Dave included a personal, heartfelt note that warmed me to my toes when I read it, in between the snorts of laughter.

The beauty in this is that, for the holidays, Dave could have sent a card or a box of chocolate or whatever. He could have sent a letter or a set of reindeer mugs. But Dave remembered how much we laughed and laughed over the story of the booze and the shoe. And he took the time to buy the stuff, package it up, and send it off so that we could laugh about it one more time. Now, I’ve got a crazy fun, visible reminder of that dinner and our friendship that has an esteemed place on my office shelf.

So thanks, Dave, for the awesome gift and the chance to laugh with you all over again. I hope that’s the first of many dinners and stories we’ll share together. Happy New Year. 🙂

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