Sometimes, working through new ideas and giving them clarity is an exhausting process. It takes work, and it doesn’t always go the way you hope.

I’m working on some ideas right now that are, well, still foggy. I’d like very much to say that my Three Words have become as apparent to me as Jon’s or Chris’ or Sue’s. But they haven’t. And so, I’m sitting on them until they do.

It would be nice if the process of creating something always stuck to our preconceived notions of time and progress. For instance, I’d hoped that by the beginning of 2010, I’d have my path set out with clarity and resolve, and proudly state all of my intentions and goals and objectives at the start of the new year.

But in reality, January 1 is an arbitrary date. My creativity doesn’t care that it’s January 1, it just knows that whatever I’m noodling on isn’t fully baked yet. Progress is messy. And my first instinct was to beat myself up a bit because I didn’t have a beautiful illustration, laid out in front of me, when “everyone else” did. That somehow, my ideas or concepts must be much less valid because I couldn’t yet find the perfect way to frame them.

Upon reflection, I think perhaps I need to be a bit patient with myself.

I know the threads to tie it all together are rattling around in here somewhere. I have some glimmers of clarity from time to time, and the big pieces are there. I’m going to ask for help from some friends that I think can help get me out of the rut, and who think a bit less linear than I do. I’m going to persevere, because I believe that progressive creativity is as much about tenacity as it is sudden inspiration. And because I know some people believe in me.

So if things aren’t clear for you yet, that’s okay. Keep after it. Put it down for a while and let it simmer. Resolve to stay the course, but when frustration hits, take a step back.

In fact, have a seat over here if you like. I’m still thinking, too.

image by Brian Hillegas